Monday, February 14, 2011

Left Out

Being left out sucks. Nobody likes it.

It used to happen to me all the time in high school. My “friends” had this habit of doing things without inviting me – and then laughing about inside jokes that came out of those gatherings in front of me.

Since I know how crappy it feels, I’ve always made an effort to not make people feel left out. I don’t bring up activities that a present party isn’t invited to, and I even try to explain the gist of inside jokes if the number of people who don’t get it is anywhere close to the number of people who do.

Honestly, my hatred of feeling left out might be to blame for my feelings about Valentine’s Day. Feb. 14 is the ultimate left out day because more often than not, the ones who care about it most are the ones who feel like they don’t have anyone to celebrate it with. How crappy is that?  

You know what else is crappy? I’ve recently found myself in that same effing situation my high school “friends” put me in.

K and I have people over to the house all the time. For game nights, for potluck dinners, for watch parties … We typically wind up with 10 people, sometimes closer to 20. But we always invite everyone from our kickball team.

Many of the girls on our team watch The Bachelor. I do not. However, I went to a watch party for the show last year just to get some good girl time. I love me some girl time. So much that I’ll even put up with a craptastic show like The Bachelor just to get it.

Last year, it was a small group of three who watched the show each week. This year, it’s a big group. I’m not quite sure how big, though, because I wasn’t invited. I do know there’s a final pick pool involved (which is totally the way to make me semi-enjoy the show!), and every girl I know goes. It’s come up in conversation the last few times I’ve been in a group setting with more than one girl in The Bachelor Group. Which sucks.

It really hurts my feelings.

It came up yesterday when K and I went to watch some of our kickball friends play in another league. The semi-boyfriend of one of The Bachelor girls said, “Oh, so this is the group who watches The Bachelor.” The girl, who is one of my closest friends here and I regularly have lunch dates with, said, “Oh, no, MLIB hates The Bachelor.”

That may be true, but I’d love the opportunity to make the decision myself. Had I had that chance, I’d probably have joined. Weekly girl time and a glass of wine? Who would turn that down?

I was really upset about the whole thing yesterday, and I had mentioned it to K a few times. He told me I should talk to the organizer (I’m not even sure which girl that is) and find out why I wasn’t invited.

Only I’m not sure that’s fair. I mean, it’s their right to do whatever they want, and they can invite whoever they want. It would be nice if they didn’t talk about it so openly so I’d find out about it (again and again), but I guess that’s just life.

My feelings are justified, but that doesn’t mean they owe me an explanation or even an apology for not inviting me.

K felt differently. He told me if I wasn’t going to ask the girls about it, he didn’t want to hear about it anymore. When I told him I felt like that was unfair, he opened up. He agrees that it’s crap, and he actually thinks they owe it to me to invite me. As many parties and gatherings as we’ve had; as much beer, snacks, and alcohol as they’ve had at our house … He says we’ve invested in these friendships, and it’s not right for them to not invite me.

I see what he’s saying, but I disagree that they owe us anything. We choose to invite them to our house. We choose to share food and drinks (everyone brings a little something, but we have our kegerator). But we can’t do that with any expectations.

So I’m stuck. I hate drama, and I definitely don’t want to start anything unnecessarily. But at the same time, I think it’s rude for them to talk about this group when others who aren’t a part of it are around.

I swear, this is why I quit hanging out with girls in college!


Liz said...

Feeling left out is definitely the worst feeling. I had that huge drama last spring with my friends becasue I felt left out. In all honesty, I wish that I hadn't said anything to them. I probably would have always felt a little hurt, but I think my saying something to them caused more harm than good.

It sounds to me like they just honestly think you don't like it, so they didn't invite you. Since they talk about it openly around you, they aren't hiding it. They probably honestly just figured you had no interest. In this case, I really would say something to them. I bet they'd be surprised that you were hurt.

Pink Sun Drops said...

Aw, that sucks! I get that feeling a lot with Mom groups, but I realize it's just because most of them are on a different plain than me - with their fancy vacations, big houses, and new cars. I do connect on the ones who are more on my level though.

The best way I've learned to deal with not feeling left out is to make darn sure I'm not left out. I've noticed with groups that you've kinda got to shove yourself in there cause everybody else is so busy making sure they are in there, too! I would definitely casually drop it in conversation, "Oh my gosh, I would looove a girls' night. I might even ogle (is that even a word? haha) the new Bachelor just to have a girls night. Anytime you guys need a new girl to be there, count me in!" That way you're not out right asking, but you're letting them know how much you would love to be there. Something you might add if they normally bring food, is "count me in with cupcakes!" hehe.

By the way, I'm so not into the Bachelor either, but it's a guilty pleasure I do on girls' night as well. We missed a few weeks with a few of the girls being gone, though, and I tried to catch up on the show at home and couldn't do it! I was too bored lol. It's so much more fun gossiping with girls about people you'll (hopefully) never meet, and rooting for your favorite while watching it. I bet you'll love it! Oh and not sure if it's a big deal to them, but one thing that's big in our girls night is being there every single time and making it top priority, unless somebody's sick (even then, we still do it sometimes!) or out of town. It makes girls' night so much more able to be counted on.

Sorry for the novel - eek!

Anonymous said...

Oh, blah. Hate that. Hate that feeling so much. Being left out is the WORST.

I would probably give 'em the benefit of the doubt and assume that they think you really, really hate The Bachelor. And then, if they're all going to the mall together and you're not invited to that? Then get mad. Or say something. It can't hurt to stand up for yourself.

You're totally justified in having hurt feelings, though. I would feel the exact same way.

Lindsay said...

Ick, I hate that left out feeling. In this case though, it really just does sound like they don't realize you'd be interested. I mean, if you know that someone hates _X_, would you invite them to do _X_ with you? Probably not! Sounds like you're stuck in a spiral of putting too much thought into it and wondering who owes what to whom, when really, the easy solution here is just to ask one of them if you can join them next time. That way, you're not making it into a big deal (they don't have to feel bad for hurting your feelings, you don't have to feel awkward for having hurt feelings). I'd bet you anything they say, "Of course! I didn't know you'd want to! Come right over!". Then you'll all have a great girl bonding time. Problem solved. :)

Don't over think it or let it eat at you! Sounds like a misunderstanding to me.

Anonymous said...

That sucks. This is one of my LEAST favorite feelings in the world. It is so sad to feel left out of something! It just hurts your feelings and brings up so many other bad emotions. This is a part of what spurned my enormous fight with my family last month, and I will say that saying something to them made it a MILLION times worse (like Liz was saying happened with her moms group).

Like PSD says, you kind of have to shove yourself into big groups sometimes. They know you hate The Bachelor, so you should say something along the lines of, "Ooh, can I still get into that pool? If not, I'll just come drink to all you Bachelor losers!" (haha, I'm totally joking with the derogatory comment, I'm not a Bachelor fan at all). You are so awesome, and they know that. And they like you enough to attend parties at your house!

OH! This explains your FB status awhile ago :)

Will you come to my house on Bachelor nights? We can drink wine and make fun of Bachelor parties. And we could play poker and then do a kettlebell workout and be happy.

xoxo!! GFF