Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What the hell were we thinking?

Who plans a wedding when they're already married?!

I'll tell you who: CELEBRITIES.

They plan a second ceremony because they're rich and have nothing better to do with their time. And they love attention. And they have someone else to plan the wedding.

Never mind that we had perfectly legitimate reasons for planning this "I Do, Part 2" ceremony. Never mind that we based every decision for the Florida wedding off the fact we'd have this ceremony.

We are stupid, stupid people. We should be commited.

If the fact we're having a second wedding doesn't make us crazy enough for such drastic intervention, I assure you this week has gotten me to that point.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.


L said...

Oh no!

Ok, now that you've vented, you need to put aside the name-calling :) and think positively! You ARE having it, and regardless of how many attend or what has gone wrong/may not go the way you hoped, it's an opportunity to celebrate with people you love and re-confirm your vows publicly. You CAN enjoy this regardless of the circumstances.

There's my pep talk! :)

Kari said...

Have a GREAT time this weekend. Everything will work out and it will be wonderful. Remember to ENJOY the time and all the little things will disappear.
