Thursday, October 25, 2007

Another one of those catchup posts with headers

My trip to Pennsylvania had a lot of things in store that I didn't expect. It was a really good time, and I can't believe it went so fast.

K and I got to relax a lot and spend a lot of time together just the two of us. That never happens when we go to PA. I think it helped that he's there a few days longer than me.

K and I got a late start Wednesday night to Louisiana, which meant we got only a couple hours of sleep before getting up at 4 a.m. to get on the road again to the airport. By the time we got to PA in the afternoon, K and I were tired enough to spend the rest of the day relaxing with his dad and then taking a nap. We went out for a bit that night with one of his friends.

Friday, we slept in and lazed around some more. That night, we went out with more friends. One of K's best friends, a doctor who is always on call, was in for the weekend. We went out to several different bars before finally finding one where the music wasn't blasting so loud that we had to scream to almost hear each other talk.

I knocked Maryland and Virginia off my list of states visited!
The next morning, we headed to the outskirts of D.C. to visit some friends of ours. This couple is townhome and be greeted with a picture of her in the foyer. And in the r the pair who introduced K to his ex-fiance, CM. It was awesome to walk into their (really nice!)oom we stayed in. But at least they were small pictures.

That Sunday, our friends had a game day party, and several of their close friends came over to barbecue, watch games on TV and play fun games. It was a really good time! All of the people there were really nice. There was a couple there who had their new Siberian husky puppy with them. He was so cute! Seeing a puppy made me miss Piper, who we had to board back home.

Several of us girls played spoons and then Electronic Catch Phrase before deciding to take it to the garage for a game of beer pong. I'd never played that game before, and man do I suck at it! When we finally finished our game of beer pong, we decided to switch to flip cups. I was really excited to find out I'm good at that game -- it doesn't require a good aim.

One of the girls was asking me a question about how K and I wound up getting married in Florida. I started telling her the full story, and about the time he called suggesting Vegas. I told her how the idea seemed fun at first, but once I realized a few things (1: This would be my actual wedding. 2: I can't get married in a city whose slogan is "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas." 3: Legalized gambling and prostitution -- OK, so the prostitution isn't in Vegas, but it's close enough. 4: That's where K and his ex got engaged!), I changed my mind. When I got to the last item on the list (the ex part), the girl told me, "I know, I know." Then, I remembered I was talking to a bridesmaid from the wedding where K met his ex. This girl knows her (sort of)!

Anyway, I guess the girl went up to K later and told him she really liked me and that she was really glad she got to meet me. She was a fun girl.

We wound up staying another night because we had a bajillion things we wanted to do on our way back. We woke up early Monday morning to have breakfast with our friend (the wife had already left for work), and then we started our drive.

Strange things afoot at the GAP
We stopped off at this really great mall and spent a few hours shopping. I found a really awesome, pretty original tank top with the Brooklyn Bridge on it. Too bad it's too cold to wear it now. I found some great things at a couple other shops, and K did his share of shopping too.

We were in line at GAP, our last stop before getting back on the road, when I was just looking around the store. There was a woman in front of me at the cash register, and she had a cute little boy beside her in a stroller. He was nibbling on a spoon. I was watching him when all of a sudden I realized he looked just like this baby I've seen quite a bit of pictures of.

I looked at the boy's mom, and I realized she looked familiar too. I froze, and because I'm a huge dork, my heart started beating really fast as I considered the odds that these people were who I was thinking they were. I turned to K and said, "I think I know those people!"

"Blog?" he asked.

I nodded. I tried so hard to remember the boy's name from the blog, but all I could remember was that it started with an A. Aaron and Adam were the only two male A names I could think of. I new both were wrong.

When the woman turned to leave, I stopped her. "Excuse me," I said to her, "what's your son's name?"

She was probably to confused or dumbfounded by my odd question to consider lying to me. "Asher," she said.

Asher!!! That's it!

I blurted out the only thing I could think of to say, since I was still so shocked by the odds that this was who I thought it was: "I know you!"

The girl looked at me, confused, and probably a little frightened.

I leaned in and said under my breath, "Captain Hambone?"

She nodded and introduced herself. I did the same. I was still too shocked by the crazy meeting to remember the conversation after that, but I did tell her I live in Texas. I didn't bother telling her my blog name because she always gets, like, 5 billion comments on each post, and I'm pretty sure my comments don't stand out in that pool.

She thanked me for saying hi and headed over to the door to busy herself with her son as she waited for her shopping buddy, probably trying to pretend there wasn't some strange stalker girl just a few yards away from her.

The part told best with pictures
After we left the shopping mall, we got back on the road to our next generation: a
pumpkin patch, complete with a corn maze. K and I selected two pumpkins to carve together -- a first for us as a couple and for me, period. I think we did a great job. (And I actually did help a lot with the pumpkins. It just so happens I was the one taking almost all the pictures, so there are barely any of me carving away.)


Unknown said...

Those pictures are fabulous... the sky looks unreal! You are always so adorable in your pics, by the way. I can't believe you ran into a blogger at the mall, that's hilarious!

Anonymous said...

i love the ou pumpkin. that's awesome!

Anonymous said...

Ashlee! It was so great to meet you, and Jes emailed me later that night and reminded me who you were, and I've been here to your site before. I don't know if I've ever commented, but I did recognize your address and did know who you were and that you've left comments for me before. I'm so glad you introduced yourself and said hi. And glad you had a great time on your trip!!


Stacey Brandow said...

How fun that you ran into a blogger at the Gap! Awesome! Very cute pics from the maze! And great job on the pumpkins, you guys are so feakin cute!! :)

Have an awesome weekend!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good trip. ANDDDDDD you got to meet "And you know what else ..." Capt. Hambone. How eventful. You know she's pregnant again.


Liz said...

You met Emily? And Jef says she's pregnant again? I haven't been reading her blog much these days. Now I'm going to!

a tall sassy gal said...

What a small world.

Love the pumpkins!

Courtney said...

I heart catchup posts!

The pumkins look AWESOME!!! I never would have guessed you were a newbie! And ick about the whole CM awkward-ness. I totally know that feeling. But hey, at least you didn't have to invite her to the wedding. p.s. yes, Liz is coming to ou wedding. I'm fine with it. Really. I mean I obviosly "won" and all that jazz. But still. I totally get the whole ex-ickiness thing. Glad they were small pictures. :)

And CRAZY about recognizing a fellow blogger out in the world!!!