Saturday, October 13, 2007

Karma will get you, bad driver!

K is in Dallas for the weekend (for a few days, actually!), and we had a few shopping errands to run today. We headed to lunch, then to the mall. We ran one other quick errand before heading to Old Navy for a bit.

When we left the store, K and I headed toward my car. We were admiring how clean K's truck was, since we'd just picked it up from getting detailed. As we neared my car, I caught a glimpse of something that wasn't quite right. I stopped dead in my tracks, and my jaw dropped. I gasped, and K looked over at my car.

Some time this afternoon -- probably while K and I were at the mall -- some douchebag hit my car. And drove off.

Yes, my beautiful red Honda Accord now has a hideous black gash about 2 1/2 to 3 inches long where some crappy driver in a white car managed to hit me. There are several white streaks where the person's paint was taken off of his or her car.

And there was no note on the windshield.

Mr. or Mrs. Really Bad Driver in White Car, I have mall security reviewing their tapes so I can hunt you down (actually, so I can have the cops do it). But considering that odds are on your side that you won't be found, I'm finding comfort in the fact that I truly, fully believe in karma.

So here's hoping that you, Mr. I Don't Have Enough Courtesy to Leave a Note Admitting I Ruined Your Bumper, wind up parking next to someone whose talent behind the wheel is just as fabulous as yours.

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