Sunday, October 26, 2008

Just what I needed to hear

One of the reasons I could laugh about my little car accident so quickly -- aside from the fact it was completely my fault for being such a ridiculous fan that I forgot to drive my car -- is because it was so minor. Considering we were traveling at least 55 mph, it definitely could have been much, much worse.

The truth is, I had had this feeling that something bad was going to happen. I don't know what it was that brought it on, but it had been there in the back of my mind for a little while.

The very day before the car wreck, a coworker sent me a link to a site with a ticker for all these different statistics. It showed the number of births and deaths all over the world. It had a ticker for people diagnosed with HIV, people involved in car accidents, and deaths from serious illnesses, suicide, war ... I reset the counter, and the numbers instantly started over from that moment. It was crazy how fast some of them grew. It felt like I could jinx myself just by watching some of those numbers climb.

I quickly closed out of the site before the ticker reached 1 for deaths due to war. I didn't want to know how often that ticker updated.

That something's-going-to-happen feeling had been in the back of my mind since before I saw the ticker. Seeing that site, though, just seemed to reinforce the feeling. Which is a huge reason that little fender bender was almost a relief. I told myself that the wreck had filled the bad-thing quota/"premonition," so everything else will be OK. It worked for the most part, but things are obviously going to be stressful no matter what as long as K is deployed.

Then, last week was pretty rough at work. We had a big company announcing that almost 20% of em.ployees would be la!d off. It would all be done by the end of the week. (Try concentrating after news like that!)

I began thinking about what I'd do if I were in that almost 20%. It might be hard to find a job at first, so I could take whatever job I could find until I found another "real" job. I realized that as long as I had K, everything would be OK.

Luckily, I found out fairly early that my job was safe. But the realization that I can get through anything as long as I have K made me a little uneasy, given where he is right now.

This morning at church, the sermon touched on the economy and all the problems people are having with their jobs, including layoffs. I couldn't believe how perfect the timing was with everything we'd gone through at work last week.

In his sermon, the pastor pointed us to a few Bible verses that can help us in times like these. As he spoke, I thought about the verses, K and the events of the previous week.

But the final words of the pastor's sermon grabbed my full attention:

"It is never naive to trust in God's plan."

I was shocked at how comforting those words were.


mamalouise said...

Our pastor spoke on basically the same thing! I haven't been going through what you have but love that message! Our pastor also said that fully trusting God with your heart in good times and in hard times allows life to be a bit easier and less fearful. Knowing that God is in control and trusting that control! So I apparently went on an on! I pray for you and K even though we don't know each other. Happy Monday!

Mrs. Architect said...

Wow, what a great line. I love that. And I will definintely be reminding myself of that a lot from now on!!!

a tall sassy gal said...

That as pretty good. I needed to hear that reminder myself.

Katrina said...

The times are crazy, and probably going to get crazier. It's good to know Who is on the throne! Thank you for sharing this thought. I needed to hear it. :)