Monday, August 23, 2010

We never slow down

Last weekend was our last one without visitors or travels for at least a month. So what did K and I do? We packed it full of activities and decided to host our entire kickball team. That's how we roll!

Friday night, we headed to Busch Gardens, where I somehow just realized I have a healthy fear of heights (how the hell did I ever go sky diving?!). Saturday morning, we slept until 8 (whoops!) and got a late start on our 7-mile training run. Toward the end of the run, we were cruising along at an 8-min-mile pace. I wanted to pick it up even faster, but I wasn't sure how much farther we had to go, and I didn't want to burn all my energy and have to suck it up the last little leg. Suddenly, a sharp pain went shooting through my left knee cap. I told K I needed to stop. We had just hit mile 7.

We walked for a bit. I loosened my knee brace and slid it off my knee to give it a break. After a mile or so, K asked if I felt up to running the last mile to the car. Since my knee had been the only thing that stopped me, I thought maybe the walk would've ironed out some of the kinks. I pulled my brace back up, tightened it, and stepped forward with my right foot. As soon as I put weight on my left knee, I winced and stopped. The pain was still there. Yikes. Needless to say, we walked that last mile too (I'm on strict orders to not run through knee pain).

When we got home, I cleaned the house while K mowed the yard. As soon as we finished, we headed to the beach. I made a regular genius move and skipped the sunscreen, since I thought we wouldn't be out long. I had put sunscreen on my face before we left the house, so my face is fine, but my back and chest are a bit red. I'm kind of itchy today, so my back might start peeling soon. Yuck. Pretty sure I've learned my lesson.

After the beach, we had just enough time to get home and get showered before our kickball friends started coming over. We had a nice joint birthday party for me, K (his birthday is this Thursday), and another friend. It was a great party. The last guests left around 1:30 a.m.

We slept in until 11:30 yesterday morning. I could've slept longer, especially since I managed to nap a couple times on the couch. In the afternoon, we went to see Piranha 3D. I don't need to see it again, but it wasn't bad. Pretty silly. Definitely good for some laughs.

K and I ran some errands and grilled steak for dinner. We somehow managed to get ourselves to bed just before midnight when I'd wanted it to be an early night.

Now I'm supposedly back to the grind -- not that I can concentrate. My back is itching from time to time, and I'm still ridiculously tired. This hectic life of ours is hard enough without throwing marathon training in there!

Oh well ... You only live once, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, girl, you know I understand. Ridiculously tired over here, too. How's your knee feeling now? Hope the sunburn is through with bothering you!