Thursday, August 26, 2010


So I just scrolled through this little blog, and I realized that 4 of my last 6 posts were talking about our crazy lives, how we need to slow down, and how I need sleep.

I think you get it.

So you know what you also get now? Pictures. Not because I loaded them, but because I stole them off of Facebook from less-tired people -- or those who are cool enough to suck it up, load the pictures, and sleep tomorrow.

Meeting ER's adorable (and tiny!) baby! I've seriously never been so excited to meet a baby before.
K, who (praise the Lord!) is a natural with kids. ER's baby is an absolute angel, though, and hardly ever cries! Also, this picture is awesome because it shows exactly what was going on in the rare moments that I wasn't holding the baby. :)
It's our standard pose! And we continued our tie tradition as well. K and me at Rachel's reception.
Happy times after kickball! In case you haven't noticed, when my weight fluctuates the tiniest bit (I'm talking like 3 lbs. here, people), the first first first place you see it is my face. Always. This picture made me realize that when my mom visits in a couple weeks, she's totally going to tell me I'm too skinny.

And yes, you read that right. Mom. Here. Two weeks.


L said...

I know how you feel about meeting your best friend's baby. I have never loved a baby more! I'm hoping I will be as excited when my sister gets pregnant (which I think I will be). I remember how pumped I was when I actually caught a ball in kickball.. I decided not to tell anyone that I had actually prayed that I would catch the next one. Glad God cares about the small stuff. :) It's such a great way to meet people! I'll be praying that your time with your mom goes well - that is big stuff! Have fun in PA!

Anonymous said...

A visit from your mom! Wooooo! Exciting, no?

The pitures of you and K are absolutely adorable...and K totally looks at home holding that little princess. For the record, you don't look awkward holding her, either! :)

Mrs. Architect said...

Woah! Mom. There. Two weeks???? Girl, you better blog about that! I'll be thinking about you and crossing my fingers it goes well. You know how much I empathize with you with all this!!! xoxoxoxo

AnEarly30 said...

Whoa your mom is coming in town! I hope that everything goes well. After a year of trying to make things better with my mom, I have officially realized that nothing is EVER going to change no matter what I try to do because she is not trying in return. Good luck - I'm sure things will go better for you! Cute photos of you all!