Thursday, August 26, 2010

Maybe we'll sleep at 28 and 33

Have I told you guys how tired I am? Seriously, ridiculously tired. I wondered a time or two if I should go to the doctor about it, but I did research, and I guess this just happens. I'm 27 now (FYI, I'm not one of those people who intends to ever whine about my age. 27 is young. 37 is young. It's just not the same level of young as 17, even if my schedule seems to show that I think it is.). I guess I can't just run around like crazy and not pay for it all day every day.

Of course, it doesn't hurt that we had our kickball game last night. We went to the bar after, and we left close to 11 p.m. I went to sleep at 12:15, and my alarm started going off at 5:30 because K and I were supposed to run 6 miles for our training. (That totally didn't happen.) I hit the snooze for a good 30 minutes, until I shut off the alarm and let myself go back to sleep. It was heaven.

And it was probably better that way. Today is K's birthday, and we're driving up to PA tonight for the weekend. We've got a couple fun plans in store that I'm excited about.

But first, back to that kickball game. I actually got on base both times I kicked. And -- AND!!! -- I caught someone's kick for the final out of the game. I told K that I'm feeling better about my Kickball Skillz this season. Instead of Sucking, I'm totally Mediocre now, and I plan on continuing to improve throughout the season. Maybe by early November, I'll actually be Not Bad!

K and I can't quit gushing about how grateful we are for having found kickball. When I met the girl from, who introduced K and I to a couple of her friends who were on this kickball team, they told us about it several times, trying to get us to join. I can only imagine the looks K and I gave them: "Kickball? Seriously? Riiiight."

But joining that team was the best thing we've done here! That one move has brought us 20 close friends and fellow teammates, and we've made friends on other teams as well. Everyone on our team is so nice, and we've marveled several times how little we actually know about mundane topics like what we do for a living. It's crazy when someone brings up a funny work story, and you find yourself saying, "I didn't know that's what you do!" when you've spent countless hours hanging out with the person at bars, the swimming pool, the movies, and sometimes even each other's houses. It's pretty awesome.

In other news, I've taken a ridiculous amount of pictures lately. Pictures from Rachel's wedding (that was two weekends ago), from when I met ER's baby (!!!), from various concerts, and from our kickball party last weekend. I haven't even uploaded most of them to my computer yet because -- you guessed it -- I'm so dang tired. And busy.

I keep thinking that K and I need to slow down or something, but this is pretty much what this time in our lives is for, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, girl, I'm totally riding this busy train with you. Insane, right? Why do we do this to ourselves? I may never understand this.

17 and 27 are NOT the same. Funny that you mention skating coach said the same thing to me last week!