Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Thank God for kickball

I really, really, really hate my job. I've been compiling a pro & con list about it in my head lately. Unfortunately, I'm probably going to just keep toughing it out because I like using my degree (it means those student loans and college education weren't a waste), I like having a paycheck, and I like feeling like I'm contributing to society (not that not working means you're not contributing).

But today is Wednesday. That means my night has in store for me a fun time with 20 great friends. And on this special kickball night, we have a later game, which means we're all gathering to eat pizza & have a beer before playing one of our favorite teams on the field later tonight.

I need this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad that you have kickball to keep you sane. Seriously. Sounds like work is just AWFUL for you right now. Ugh. Hang in there.