Friday, February 24, 2006

Headed to Nawlins

So today's the big day that I'm going to drive to K's and then head on to New Orleans for my first Mardi Gras experience... Should be crazy! I'm kinda worried and a little scared, but I'm sure it'll be fine.

The only other time I've been to New Orleans was when we (OU) played in the Sugar Bowl my junior year in college (Jan. '04). I wasn't 21 yet, I'd never been drunk and I wasn't much of a partier at the time. Not that I am now, but maybe I'll enjoy it more this time around. I did have a drink last time -- you can't walk down Bourbon Street without one. It's just what you do. But this time I'll be there with K and his friends, so I'm sure it'll be a blast. And I'll be surrounded by big buff Army guys who will be there to protect me. Actually, they'll be there to drink, but you know what I mean. :)

I was lucky enough to do the whole Times Square thing for New Years with K. I was worried about that, too (something about being surrounded by thousands of drunk people always makes me nervous), but it turned out just fine. No one even threw up near me! Let's just hope Mardi Gras is the same. (yeah right)

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