Friday, August 01, 2008

At least it's Friday

I swear, I've been so tired lately. I don't know what the deal is. And work? I've been so unmotivated, so unproductive. I really don't want to do anything. I meet my deadlines and get the things done that I have to do. But when it comes to the projects that don't really have a set deadline, I hardly touch them.

I spend my 8 hours at work, and then I head home. Twice a week, I take my spin class. I try to get a good upper-body workout in when I can so I don't lose all my upper-body strength while I'm preparing for my century ride in late August.

Work. Workout. That's my life.

Today's Friday, which is good -- only I have to get up at 5:45 tomorrow morning so I can head to the middle of nowhere for this 59-mile training ride. It's supposed to feel like it's 110 degrees tomorrow. Ugh.

I need a vacation.

And then I think about K. He doesn't even get weekends. He sleeps less than I do, and as hot as it is here, it's nothing compared to where he is. When we spoke last week, he told me the thermometer the day before had read 144.5 degrees. That's almost a sauna! Not to mention the fact that when he's in that 144.5-degree heat, he's wearing boots, pants, a helmet and a jacket with a shirt under it. And enough bulletproof gear to add plenty of weight and heat on top of that. Kind of puts things in a different perspective.

Last Sunday was the 8-month mark of the deployment. It really has gone quickly so far, thank goodness. The next time I flip a page on my calendar, I'll be just days away from seeing K. Days away from a vacation.

It's almost over. That's some good motivation to suck it up and be a trooper for one more month.


Paige said...

I am so glad your vacation is coming soon and you can relax with K. The IBAS alone weigh a lot and I just can't imagine lugging all that gear around everywhere just for daily living! Anyone who gets dressed in the morning should be thankful they don't have to strap on a bullet proof vest like our soldiers.

Have a good weekend and get some rest!

a tall sassy gal said...

Yep it is almost here and we will make sure August flies by for you.