Friday, August 08, 2008

Turns out you CAN lose something you never had

I've spent the last three weeks since the 15k ramping up on my cycling. I've got a century ride (that's bikespeak for "I'm psycho enough to ride 100 miles in one day") coming up. It takes place just south of the Oklahoma/Texas border ... at the end of August. Appropriately enough, it's called the Ho.tter'N Hell Hundr.ed. (This ride is where Cam.elBaks were invented, people!)

Anyway, so I've been taking this training class to prepare for it. We have spin classes in a tiny room where the thermostat is set at 80 degrees. Considering there are low ceilings and about 30 people very strategically crammed into this room, it gets very warm in there after an hour of spinning.

We also spend our entire Saturday mornings riding an increased distance each week. It got up to 107 degrees during last week's 60-mile ride (OK, 58.2 miles).

One of my coworkers who'd taken the class before told me he lost about 10 pounds during the course of the class. I thought maybe I'd leave with a nice, flat stomach with awesome lines accentuating my abs -- just in time for K's R&R. I'd be OK with that.

What I've realized is happening instead, though, is a change that's not as welcome.

The majority of my skirts just aren't fitting right anymore. The waist still fits OK for the most part, which is weird. So they fit at the waist, but the skirt just hangs funny everywhere else. I noticed this when I started running more at the beginning of the summer, but since I've started cycling, the problem has gotten worse.

I've tried on skirts a few times at my favorite clothing stores. It's the same with them, though. Even when I try a size smaller, the skirts still look funny. I thought it was a fluke at first -- like maybe I'd just chosen styles with a funny cut -- but I'm afraid it's not the skirts.

This morning, I finally realized what's happening: I'm losing my butt!

I'm literally cycling my ass off.

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