Friday, January 02, 2009

Well-rested, with a successful shopping trip. What's not to love about 2009?

I spent New Year's just like I'd hoped: sleeping. I actually had some motivation to go to bed early, since my body has decided to hit me with a sinus infection. I'm determined to wipe it out before Monday.

So I went to bed at 10:30 Wednesday night. I was awakened several times throughout the night by Piper crunching her food; someone honking their horn for a while off in the distance, followed by a few pops that I'm pretty sure were fireworks (Happy New Year!); and text messages at all hours of the night and morning. My friends are obviously cooler than me, since they all seemed to be out and awake. At least I was rested.

I laid in bed awhile the next morning, and when I got up, I didn't want to mess with laundry, so I watched some football instead. After lunch, I showered, cleaned up and then headed out to try to find something to wear for K's arrival.

When K came home from Afghanistan in 2006, it was just after Thanksgiving. It was cold out, so I wore a long-sleeve V-neck shirt. The amount of short skirts and tiny tops I saw at the welcome home ceremony was a bit surprising for that time of year. While I'm sure I'll see plenty of the same on Monday (Monday!!!), I will not be sporting that look myself.

I wanted a light, pretty sweater. Something bright, and something V-neck (Hey, just because I don't want cleavage up to my neck doesn't mean I have to have fabric up to it too!). I'm going to wear jeans and my cowboy boots, since they're cute and fun -- and dang it, so am I!

I found a sweater, and I'd post a picture of it, but on the store's website, it's layered with a button-down shirt that makes the sweater look dumpy. I assure you it won't look dumpy on me on Monday. You'll just have to wait to see the pictures from the ceremony (which I highly doubt I'll be posting on Monday). (Monday!!!)


L said...

That's right, don't post pics on Monday. Enjoy your husband!! Yay!

Paige said...

congratulations! your life will be whole again!!!!!

Unknown said...

Monday!!!! My stomach just dropped a little... I am SO excited for you! Yippeee!

Anonymous said...

MONDAY!!!! OMG. I am thrilled for you!

Our Happy Married Life... said...

Yay for Monday! To occupy your time a little until then you are tagged! check out my blog for the details/rules! :P