Sunday, April 20, 2008

It was ALMOST a good start to my day

I was in the shower, getting ready to start my day. I was thinking of K as I went through my lather, rinse, repeat routine. Shampoo, condition, exfoliate ... I was almost finished with my shower when the bathroom door opened.

I didn't have to open the curtain to know it was K. He was coming to join me.

"Thank God!" I thought to myself. "It has been waaaaaaaaaay too long."

Just as K pulled back the shower curtain, I was startled by this weird, repetitive loud noise.

And just like that, K, the water, the anticipation -- all of it -- completely disappeared.


You think you hate your alarm clock.


Anonymous said...

You need some theme music for that


I like it when my wife starts her day off like that too!

Gotta hate the alarm.


Paige said...

Oh how awful! hang in there.

Mrs. Architect said...

Oh, man! You had me! I was thinking, YAY!! He's back EARLY!!!

Boo for alarm clocks! :-(

At least it gives you something to dream about the rest of the day...what never got to finish... hehe

s said...

um, this post made me cry. i hope your dreams bring him around again tonight and maybe this time he'll stay a bit longer, ha :)

Courtney said...

Booooooooooooo. Worst alarm clock interuption EVER!

a tall sassy gal said...

I hate dreams that are so real but aren't! At least you were thinking good thoughts. hehe