Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I'm just over the drama

It's been over a year (Christmas of 2006) since I last saw her. It's been almost a year since we last spoke to each other, and it's been several months since we had any communication at all. In those months, my wedding day, K's leaving and Christmas came and went without a phone call. She might not even realize that K is in Iraq, and unless my stepsisters told her, she doesn't even know I have a dog.

But last night, completely out of the blue, I got an email from my mother. I was surprised at how completely emotionless I felt when I saw it waiting for me in my inbox. The contents really weren't surprising.

The dramatic beginning:

I'm not sure if this will reach you or if you will even answer but still, I try.
It's been nearly a year since I last heard your voice. In case you're wondering, yes, I am sorry I didn't see you married. I cried the whole day. I took off that entire week and sat by the phone hoping to hear from you.

Puh-lease. I emailed her three separate times inviting her to the wedding, and I explained very clearly why I was emailing her rather than calling. All three times, she went off on tangents that had nothing to do with why I'd emailed her. She made the decision not to come to the wedding, and the third and final time I emailed her two weeks before the wedding, I told her the decision "is, was and always has been" hers. As usual, she responded maturely. (sense the sarcasm?)

I don't know why my mom took off work that whole week. It doesn't make sense! I was the one who got married, and I only took off one day that week and one the next. My mom had told me in one of her early responses about the wedding that she and her husband had used the money and vacation time they would have spent on a vacation on remodeling their bathroom instead. Guess that wasn't entirely true.

I can't believe that she thought I was going to be the one to call her. I was the bigger person through the whole thing, brushing off her ridiculous emails and telling her if she changed her mind on whether or not to come, it would always be her decision. After some of the things she said, I can't believe she thought I'd need to be the one to call her. Seriously?

Anyway, so she went on to say that at the least she wants my address, my brother's address and my last name, since she doesn't know how to spell it. She and her husband were in a car wreck two months ago, and although neither were seriously injured, she's "been reminded that we are not promised tomorrow," so she's reaching out to me again -- and putting together her will.

Reminds me quite a bit of the time we were arguing and she blurted out, "I'm DYING ... ... ... [insert pause the size of Texas as I start wondering what's wrong and how long the doctors have given her to live] ... ... ... and so are you."

I haven't decided if I'm going to respond or not. I just have my doubts about what good could come of it.


Anonymous said...

I stumbled upon your blog from GFF. I am a lurker and soon to be blogger. I love your blog and can't wait to read more.

I am a military wife and my hubby just returned from Iraq. His tour was 15 months also! yuck! But we made it through and you guys will too!

I don't want to push too much advice about your mother. But I have to share that mother recently passed and she was very similar to your mother. I have only read the most recent blog about your mother so there may be much more. It is very hard to have a normal life and yet not have a "normal" mother. I would try to find some peace with how you have to deal with her.

She sounds as if she is lost and life got the better of her. But I am sure she loves you even though it is covered under her difficult personality.

I regret that I didn't have more patience with my mother. Ultimately, most mothers with problems have mental illness that is not treated properly. My best advice is to reply to her email so that you will eliminate any guilt for yourself in the future.

My best wishes and prayers go out to you as you deal with her.

Anonymous said...

I'm emailing you.

L said...

I think it would be hard to know where to set the boundaries. I thought anonymous had a nice response, and it's always nice to hear from someone who has had a similar experience.

Mrs. Architect said...

So sorry about the family drama. I know it all too well. Of course, mine seems to be going REALLY good lately. I'm just waiting for that bubble to pop though.