Saturday, January 30, 2010

I know people

I've never really been a big pageant person. I don't have a problem with pageants, but I haven't ever really set out to watch one.

I've seen the Miss America Pageant a few times. I've never really watched the whole thing, but I've dropped in on it from time to time when there wasn't much on TV.

Tonight, though, for the first time ever, I'm planning on watching the pageant. The whole thing.

Because this time, for the first time ever, I know one of the contestants!!!!

I've actually known M!ss Oklahoma, T@ylor Tre@t, for several years. She's a few years younger than me, so I never knew her very well, but we are friends on facebook (and it was her doing back before she was M!ss Oklahoma). She's always been a very sweet, nice girl. She's really smart, very talented and very driven.

I can't wait to cheer her on tonight!!!

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