Monday, January 04, 2010

On the road again ...

On Saturday, K and I finally got back to our house. We left Dec. 23 for Christmas, and we were in PA from then until the night of Dec. 30 (Wednesday), when we headed to Buffalo for New Year's. Buffalo was a good time (more on that later). I saw Niagara Falls for the first time. Definitely going back some spring or summer.

We headed back to PA on Friday, spent the night at K's house, then left Saturday after lunch. We got home late Saturday night. We unpacked. Well, I sort of did.

I'm leaving before 6 a.m. tomorrow to go to OK & TX. K's boss (who always manages to stay at the top of my Sh!t List) wouldn't let him off this week, so I'm going solo. And I have my whole trip planned out. I have some 15 people to see in 7 days. It doesn't sound like much, but I assure you, it is -- especially since very few of them are in the same city (heck, some aren't even in the same state).

I'm tired already. I'm sure I'll be excited once my trip begins, but right now, I just want to be HOME.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Safe travels, girlie!