Wednesday, January 06, 2010

I'm kind of full just thinking about it

Just as K told me would happen, I started getting excited about my trip about the time I landed in Dallas. I spent the day with ER and actually got to see her in action teaching some of her students in the classroom this afternoon. That was pretty cool!

Before I booked my flight for this trip, I made sure to make a list of everyone I had to see while I'm back. I did the best I could to make everyone fit. Considering most of the people on my list are back to their normal work schedules, I've basically got all my meals planned out for the next week.

Tomorrow, I'm meeting Jeremy (my old workout buddy) and his girlfriend for lunch. Then, I'm headed to OK to my hometown. My dad's cooking me his famous steak for dinner, and Thursday, I'm meeting my second mom for lunch, probably at my favorite Mexican restaurant. Friday, it's my dad's BBQ for lunch, and then I'm heading off to Norman for ice cream with Danielle. I'll have dinner with my old roommates that night, and I'm getting up early the next morning to head to see my mom (yes, you read that right) and stepsisters. (This will be the second time I've seen my mom since Christmas of 2006. The last time I saw her was in May of 2008.) On Sunday, I'll head back to my hometown for some more family time and lots of my grandma's cooking. Monday after lunch with my Dad, I'll head back to Dallas for a potential ice cream meetup with AJ and then dinner with Miss Heather. After all that, it's back to VA on Tuesday.

So far, I've made the two meals I've eaten since arriving in Dallas this morning really count: I got my Mexican food fix (complete with a sangria swirl margarita!) for lunch, and we had Carino's for dinner. I am stuffed but satisfied.

And seriously contemplating running tomorrow morning in 20 degree weather. After all the eating I'll be doing the next week, I could use a nice headstart!

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