Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Daily questions

How do you know when it's OK to say that it's not the right fit without feeling like a quitter?

How do you justify leaving when so many don't have jobs? Would it be so bad to tough it out for a year?

Is it worth the money?

How do these people think I'm a writer? Will they realize I'm not one and fire me?

How am I supposed to juggle everything they want me to do?

Are they paying me enough for all of these tasks?

When will these huge knots in my back disappear?


Kari said...

You of all people are not a quitter. If you quit your job, it does not mean you are a quitter. If it is driving you nuts -- it is not worth it. You are a writer but possibly what they want you to write is not your area.

Mrs. Architect said...

My take: Life is too short to be miserable - esp 40 hours out of the week, which is the MAJORITY of your time every week!

Liz said...

I agree... don't waste time on something you're not happy with. I'm a firm believer in giving things a try before you give up on them, but you should know how you feel about the job by now. If it's leaving you miserable most of the time, I'd move on.