Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's funny because it's true

Saw this preview last night before Bridesmaids. The last part of it (starting at 2:20) had me laughing so hard I was crying. For several minutes.

The Change-Up Trailer by teasertrailer

*For the record, I make K leave the bathroom if I have to really go. I related to this because once we moved to VA together, K had no qualms about doing anything in the bathroom when I was in there. Just wanted to clear the air there.  


Liz said...

That is too funny. I used to be so shy about the whole bathroom thing, until Edward. Which is one of the reasons that I knew he must be the one! I honestly never close the bathroom door anymore when it's just the two of us in bathroom/bedroom area!

Kari said...

How was Bridesmaids?
Love the preview!

my life is brilliant said...

Bridesmaids was pretty funny. It was no Hangover or Zombieland, but it was a funny movie. It was a lot funnier than 27 Dresses, which I thought it might be similar to. (It wasn't.)

Pink Sun Drops said...

That had me SO confused, but I can't wait to see it. Looks hilarious.

Anonymous said...


I'm going to see Bridesmaids with Meg today. Can't wait!