So I guess, for those of you who may read this blog, here are some facts about me:
1. I was born and raised in Oklahoma. Moving to Texas made me really appreciate Oklahoma.
2. I think everyone should live in a small town for just a little bit. "City people," to me, just don't get what's most important in life.
3. I am a total people person.
4. I've never kissed anyone I wasn't dating. I never dated anyone I didn't know for at least a month before. This wasn't intentional; it just happened that way.
5. I have never had a best friend. (I always manage to be the girl who's really good friends with the two best friends. This happened to me twice in elementary school, one of which lasted through high school, and twice in college, one of which is still true today.)
6. I am generally a very happy person. I'm happier than most people.
7. What sucks about this is that if there are times when I'm stressed or not smiling as much, I'm constantly bombarded with, "Why aren't you smiling?"
8. I love chick flicks, and I don't like horror movies. I tend to replay the most emotional parts of movies, so this can be kind of crappy after scary ones. Also, I like to pretend there aren't people in the world who are that evil. Watching horror movies doesn't allow this.
9. My little brother is a race car driver. He is just over a year younger than me.
10. I graduated from the University of Oklahoma. Go Sooners!
11. I love football. Especially college football.
12. I met my boyfriend at my best friend's wedding. He's an Army officer and a gentleman. I'm going to marry him someday.
13. I am always about five minutes late. I think this is because I'm just really optimistic. I think, "I'll need 20 min. to get ready, and it's 15 miles away so I'll leave about 20 min. early. I'll get there right on time." I'm always
just late enough that if I hadn't changed shirts or run back in to grab something, I'd have been on time ('cause I wouldn't have caught the stoplight, so I would've beaten the train and the parking spot I just missed would have been empty still).
14. I hate when you can hear people eat or when people chew with their mouths open.
15. I don't like baths.
16. My favorite smells: coconut, honeysuckle, gasoline.
17. I make the best chocolate chip cookies in the world. (my secret recipe)
18. My favorite color is yellow.
19. I am a bargain shopper.
20. I was in marching band all through high school. And college.
21. My hair is naturally curly.
22. I hate gold jewelry.
23. I love sunsets.
24. I have my camera with me at all times.
25. My parents are divorced. They separated when I was a sophomore in college. The divorce was finalized my junior year.
26. My mom is remarried. I have three stepsisters.
27. I hate hypocrisy, cheating and dishonesty.
28. I have middle names picked out for my future son and daughter. My daughter will go by her middle name. Of course, my future husband will be allowed a say in this.
29. I have been in three long-term relationships besides the one I'm in now. All three of the guys cheated on me. One was with one of my good friends.
30. I love to reminisce.
31. Laughter through tears is one of my favorite emotions.
32. I love chick flicks.
33. I am writing this while at work (it's a down time right now).
34. I have never dyed or colored my hair.
35. I consider myself a natural person. I wear very little makeup, and everything else is natural.
36. I wear a push-up bra every single day.
37. I gained 20 pounds my freshman year in college. I lost 10 of them. I needed all 10 pounds.
38. I hate change.
39. My boyfriend lives in a different city, in a different state.
40. I don't feel secure in my job.
41. Every boss I've had has told me I'm a good worker.
42. My dad is my hero.
43. I am probably obsessive compulsive.
44. I LOVE Little Caesar's pepperoni pizza -- $5 hot & ready!
45. I like
Sex & the City,
Seinfeld and
Friends. (I do realize these are all only reruns now.)
46. I play the clarinet and piano.
47. I hate getting dirty.
48. I love Christmas.
49. I have a family reunion every Fourth of July. I go every year. My family is awesome.
50. When I say "my family," I mean my dad's side.
51. My mom's side of the family is weird.
52. I want Oprah's job.
53. I have a good memory. I remember the weirdest things.
54. I cry very easily at movies and commercials. I got griped at by my parents after
Titanic and
My Girl because I was still crying like an hour later. And
Good Morning America makes me cry (happy tears!) pretty often when I'm watching it while I'm getting ready for work.
55. I love boy-cut underwear. It's so comfy, it's cute and it doesn't show underwear lines!
56. I don't like to wear tall heels because I'm about 5'10" anyway.
57. I'm taller than my boyfriend.
58. I have really big hair.
59. Everyone knows me by my hair. Sometimes I feel like if I had normal hair, I wouldn't get noticed and I wouldn't know as many people.
60. I love ice cream and chocolate.
61. If my metabolism ever slows, I'll be in serious trouble.
62. I love McDonald's quarter pounders with cheese!
63. I love strawberry daiquiris. I also enjoy Long Island iced teas and sex on the beach (the drink).
64. If you've never had fresh pineapple from Hawaii, you've never really had pineapple.
65. I love fruit.
66. I am overly cautious in parking lots. I always know who's around me and where they are.
67. I wear skirts every day in the summer.
68. I have trouble finding jeans that are long enough.
69. My friends and family are very important to me.
70. Most of the time, I feel like I'm the one who's working harder to keep in touch with friends.
71. I love getting real e-mails (not spam).
72. Spam is a delicacy in Hawaii. I think it looks disgusting.
73. If someone stares at me when my hair is straight (I don't straighten it often), it makes me feel like I look really good.
74. If someone stares at me when my hair is curly, it makes me worry that they're thinking it's too big or that it looks frizzy.
75. I don't know what color my eyes are. They change colors a lot. I want to call them green, but my boyfriend calls them blue. Different people have told me different things. For example, I've had several people say to me, "You have the prettiest blue eyes!" And I've had people tell me I have pretty grey eyes. And green eyes. Once in high school, though, this little boy said to me, "Hey! Your eyes are green today, and yesterday they were blue!"
76. My left foot is bigger than my right. This makes it more painful to wear heels. But I still do it (the shorter ones, though, remember?).
77. I hate washing my hair. Actually, it's not the washing -- it's what happens after. I hate having to comb it out and put crap in it and dry it and put more crap in it. It's too high maintenance!
78. I am always stressed about money. I have been pretty much since I was little.
79. I always order the same thing at restaurants. I figure if I already know I like something, why risk ordering something new and hating it? (I also used to be a very picky eater when I was little.)
80. My dad is a butcher.
81. I have always looked at other couples and thought, "I want to be like that." For the first time in my life, I am in that couple.
82. I feel less confident around beautiful people.
83. I hate the excessive use of pet names. Drives me nuts. The worst one: baby doll.
84. I am jealous of my coworker because she met her boyfriend three months after I had started dating mine. They were engaged a month later. They plan dinner together every night. They're going to move in together. They live in the same city.
85. I have known I wanted to marry my boyfriend since we were a month into the relationship. At the time, we had only seen each other the weekend of our friends' wedding, since he was out in the field for that next month.
86. I am not a wishy-washy type who always says that about who she's dating.
87. I have a scar above one of my eyebrows from falling and cutting it on the corner of a brick fireplace when I was little. We were playing a game at my babysitter's house.
88. I was voted Teacher's Pet of my high school class. As my friends put it, not because I tried to be, but because I just always ended up that way somehow.
89. I am the girl who always finds out later about guys having a crush on me.
90. I tell impossibly long stories because I think eliminating details makes the story lose value. (Example: "I bought a new sweater today" is
so much less interesting than, "I found the perfect sweater to go with this cute skirt that I bought two months ago. I'd been looking all this time and couldn't find anything to match! And it wound up being on sale!" See?! Now you know how great of a find the sweater was, and you can share in my enthusiasm. I know, you can thank me later.)
91. I hate the word "poop." I also hate the p-word that's both a name for a female part and a synonym for "cat."
92. I don't get along with my mom. A lot of things she does annoy me.
93. It drives me nuts when people pop their gum.
94. You know the bad phase a lot of kids go through in high school? I never went through that. I was like the perfect child or something.
95. I wish my boobs were bigger. Present would be nice, in fact.
96. I hate my hands.
97. I am afraid when I say things like that, people will think I'm negative.
98. I got my first job when I was 14.
99. I love, love, love hugs!!
100. I stole this whole list idea thing from the blog I found that made me decide to do this. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery!