Friday, September 08, 2006

Is it time to leave yet?

My first thoughts when I woke up this morning to my alarm were, "Why isn't that my phone ringing?" K was supposed to call me last night, and he didn't. I'm sure for whatever reason he was busy. He is in Afghanistan, for Pete's sake.

I got ready for work, and as I was sitting on my couch eating my cereal, a news update came on Good Morning America telling us that 16 people were killed in Afghanistan. Only two were U.S. soldiers, and it happened in Kabul. As far as I know, K is still in Kandahar. Those are a ways apart, according to this map.

As I was getting to my mode of mass transportation today, I was bummed. Fewer people use mass transportation on Friday for whatever reason. Since I hate taking it anyway because it takes so long, it was making me wish I'd driven, too. Only it's so much cheaper to not drive. Oh, well.

I got to work, and there was something in my chair showing me a mistake I'd made yesterday at work. It was a pretty good-sized mistake, but I guess it could have been worse. Anyway, I still felt like crap for messing up. It makes me feel like my boss will think I'm less competent or like he has to babysit me or like he messed up in hiring me.

It's been a pretty standard, dull, slow day at work today. Slower than usual. ER sent me an e-mail inviting me to her place tomorrow to watch our football game. Of course I'm going, but she asked for my office phone number, since we usually just communicate through e-mail. When I answered, she didn't recognize my voice and asked if I was tired or cranky or something. I told her it had been a crappy day pretty much, and I told her about how K didn't call me, and then I saw that story. She'd seen it too, and that's why she was calling. She wanted to make sure I was doing okay.

It was only two U.S. soldiers who were killed, and I don't think K is in Kabul. Plus, if something had happened to him, I'm sure I would have found out somehow. Except his dad is listed as the person to call if anything happens, and I don't know if he has my phone number. Still, though, his unit would know, so his friends would know, and one of them would have called me.

Besides, K is supposed to be in Kandahar. Ugh. I'm just ready for today to be over.


Courtney said...

Oh no.

I'm sure he's fine.

Ugh. Anytime I hear about ANYONE getting killed over there my stomach drops a bit. I can't imagine what you must go through.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure he's okay. Things are probably just busy because of everything that happened. That's hard to sit and wonder!! HUGS

PS Courtney said all that much better than I. Extra hugs

s said...

i'm sure he is ok and i'm sure by the time i'm commenting he has already called. i can't imagine how hard it must be to hear the stories and then have to sit and wonder. i hope somehow the day turned around or sleep came quickly enough. big hugs