Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Can't ... catch ... up

My gosh, this time change is killing me! It doesn't help that I was behind on sleep before the government decided to take an hour away from me.

I was up late last Thursday night (until 2 a.m.), and I really can't remember why. Friday night, I was up at least that late making K's awesome care package. Saturday morning, I had to get up early (for a Saturday -- 9:00 a.m.).

The choir director at church had asked me in February to play in the church orchestra. I was going to be out of town that weekend, so I told him I'd try to play in March. The rehearsal and play dates were last weekend. Since I hadn't played my clarinet since May of 2005 (when I graduated college), I was going to have to go buy some new reeds. I planned on doing that in the morning before our 11:00 rehearsal, which is why I got up so early.

After the rehearsal, I had several errands to run. I had to mail K's care package, and I had an errand I'll blog about later. By the time I got home again at about 4, I was exhausted. I took a nap for about 45 minutes. My dad and his girlfriend would be leaving soon to come visit me, and I needed to be dusting and vacuuming, but the nap sounded so much better.

I called my dad shortly after 5, and I was immediately interrupted by another call. There was a good chance it was K, so I answered. Good thing, since it was him. We only got to talk for about 15 minutes, so I called my dad back after. I was surprised to hear that he and his girlfriend were well on their way to my place. In fact, they were less than an hour away. I wasn't expecting them for another two hours! I hadn't even started cleaning yet.

I rushed to dust my furniture, scrub my shower and the rest of my bathroom, and finish washing the sheets for them. I hadn't got to the vacuuming yet when there was a knock on my door. (#*$%!!)

We stayed at my apartment talking and hanging a curtain rod, which my dad had brought his drill for. We went to dinner at 7:30, and after that, we went to the piano bar I'd told them about so many times. We stayed at the bar until just after midnight.

By the time we got home and I showered, got my things ready for church the next day, and got my dad and his girlfriend settled in my room, it was after 2 a.m. with the time change. I had to get up at 6:15 the next day so I could leave by 7:15 to be at church by 7:45, which was when our warmup started for the 8:30 a.m. service. I watched the sun rise as I headed to rehearsal.

I managed to be up after midnight Sunday night and night since then. Getting up in the morning has not been an easy thing to do this week, and I've been getting to work about 30 minutes later than usual. (Thank goodness my job is laid back!)

As much trouble as I'm having, you'd think the time change made me lose four hours instead of just one (it certainly feels that way). What's funny about the whole thing is that I'm still optimistic that I might actually make it to bed early tomorrow night (since it's not happening tonight).


I'll let you know how that goes.


L said...

Wow, I'm exhausted just reading about it. I remember the days when I used to be able to function after such small amounts of sleep, but nowadays, even midnight is too late for me.

a tall sassy gal said...

The time is killing me not to mention the million things we have been doing this week and the stress of the wedding starting to hit. I remember in college sleeping only a few hours and being fine but now I need at least the 9 and i am getting about 6 1/2.

Katrina said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one having a hard time getting back on track after losing that measly little hour on Sunday. Maybe by tomorrow I'll have my head together.