Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I'm becoming a pro at these care packages

I didn't have any luck with the weather on Thursday night. It stopped snowing before dinner even, and although a lot of people in our office worked from home, I went in to work on Friday.

Friday night, I baked some cookies for K and made him a St. Patrick's Day care package. I'm even more excited about him getting it than I was about his awesome Valentine's Day package. What I didn't mention on here, though, is that every care package I've sent him has taken right at a week to get to him. EXCEPT FOR THE VALENTINE'S PACKAGE, which took over three weeks. (Good thing I sent the homemade cookies in the package before that one!)

This care package, naturally, was entirely green. I put green tissue paper in the box for starters. I baked him some peanut butter cookies, and I wrapped the Tupperware container in green tissue. I did the same with the package of protein bars he'd asked for. Everything else was green to begin with, and some of them were funny coincidences.

I had planned on burning K a CD. It turned out I had one rewritable CD left, and it just happened to be green. (I think it's a sign God liked my idea.) I had bought K some good loofas a couple weeks ago, and I hadn't had room to put them in a package yet. Coincidentally, they were green, so in they went. I had some Pringles snack packs I'd bought to disperse in care packages, too. There were several different flavors, and the pizza flavor had a green wrapper. I put a few of those in the box.

I bought some Heal.thy Cho!ce soup, which comes in green containers; K's favorite gum, which happens to come in a green wrapper; some granola bars in green wrappers; and some Russ.ell St.over candy I found that came in green bags. I also had a fun St. Patrick's Day card that I don't think was intended to be a "missing you" card, but it worked perfectly. I wrote a letter on green-and-blue-striped stationery, and of course I wrote it in green marker. Not to restrict the festivity to the inside of the box, I even addressed the care package in green marker.

As I closed the lid to tape up the box and ship it to K, I considered taking a picture for proof of the (over)abundance of green inside. I decided not to, though, and now I wish I had. There will be more special packages, though -- I'm sending Easter this week -- so I'll be sure to get a picture of them.

Next week, I'll have to make a care package for April Fool's Day. Obviously there'll have to be a whoopie cushion and little prank toys in there, but it's gotta have a little extra something in there too. (April Fool's Day is a big day for us, remember?)


Anonymous said...

That is so sweet of you. You are an awesome wife. I would feel extra special if you were my wife. :) hehe.

We like are engagement twins, we got engaged April 2nd 2006! :)

Katrina said...

What a lucky soldier to have such a great wife! I'm sure he enjoys opening up a care package from you at least as much as you love putting them together. May God's best blessings rain down on both of you!

a tall sassy gal said...

Yes april fools day package has to have something special in it to remember the day. :)