Tuesday, November 04, 2008

She's going the distance

I ran my half-marathon yesterday. I ran all of it.

And I ran it over 6 minutes faster than my goal time -- and about a minute and a half faster than the time I really wanted to finish in. (I had a goal time and a "shooting for" time. I was aiming for my "shooting for" time, but my goal time was a more reasonable expectation for my first run at this distance.)

What's also cool is that I hit the 15k marker in the run at 1:33, which was 7 minutes faster than my 15k time in July!

Final time for the half-marathon: 2 hours, 8 minutes and 41 seconds. My pace was just under a 10-min-mile. Plus, I had enough energy left to finish sprinting!

Next time, I'll shoot for 2 hours or less. But for the next week or two, I'm taking a little break from running unless I really really want to do it.

Pictures from the run and from my VIP weekend are hopefully coming tomorrow. For now, I'm going to bed. Once you read how I spent the rest of my weekend (and I really mean the rest of it!), you'll understand why.


Anonymous said...

Wow that's really impressive.


Anonymous said...


Amazing. Good for you!

Anonymous said...

that's awesome! congrats. :)