Thursday, December 18, 2008


I swear, I feel like I'm just so behind! I've hardly read blogs lately, and I've hardly blogged myself lately.

I can pinpoint all this to one weekend: Nov. 1 & 2.

That was the weekend of the NASCAR race and my half-marathon. And the time change. I thought for a long time that it was taking me a while to adjust to the time change. Never mind the fact I've never had this much trouble adjusting to a time change or the fact it's just one stupid hour.

I don't know why it's taken me so long to really figure out what the culprit is: Jeremy.

See, he's been my workout buddy for two years. He knows more what he's doing than I do, so I've gotten used to just following him around and working out with him. I've gotten a lot better results than I ever did by myself.

Well, shortly after the time change, Jeremy decided he didn't want to work out at night anymore. He wanted to go at 5:30 a.m. And since I'd spent this entire deployment being a gym/running/cycling rockstar, I wasn't about to quit just a matter of weeks before K was coming home for good.

So I sucked it up and started getting up and going at 5:30 also. And it's killing me.

Yes, I have my evenings free, but I go to bed early now! Before, I went to bed at midnight on an early night. I'd stay up unti 1:30 pretty regularly, just getting things done. I'd watch TV, do laundry, get things organized, read blogs ...

Now, going to bed at 11:30 is a late night. Most days, it's 11 or even 10:30. Last night? I was in bed by 10. TEN!!! My nights have gone from being productive to just eating dinner, cleaning the kitchen, relaxing on the couch for half an hour (an hour on Mondays for The Hills!!!), and then getting ready for bed. Not exactly productive. And somehow, I'm still exhausted on the weekends! Gah!

Thank goodness, I've got just a few more months of this to go, and then K and I will be living together (finally), and we'll be workout buddies at a reasonable time. I've seen plenty more of 5:15 a.m. than I ever care to again!

1 comment:

L said...

I'm a little surprised that your body hasn't adjusted. Do you feel tired during the days? When I used to work out in the mornings (which didn't last long!), I had so much more energy, but then I would get tired early. Maybe you just still aren't getting enough sleep. I need 7 hours minimum! Way to go for actually sticking with it!