Monday, December 29, 2008

I wonder if this means I'll be scrambling in a couple weeks

In an effort to not repeat the absolute neuroticism of the days (and weeks) leading up to K's last return home, I've been trying to not let the fact that the deployment is almost over get to me.

I think for the most part, it's working. Maybe even a little too well.

Because instead of rushing around doing 50 billion things to prepare for K's arrival, when I have time for peace and quiet at home, I've done nothing.

Never mind the fact I need to dust.

Never mind the fact I have papers to file and organize.

Never mind the fact I could stand to organize and throw out quite a few things that will make the eventual (like in 6 months) move easier.

No, this time, my attempt to prevent the insanity, nonstop cleaning and sleepless nights is to do absolutely nothing.

Surely there's a happy medium in there. We'll see if I find it in the next week or so.

*Before you get worried that K will come home to a pigsty, you should know that it could be until mid-January before he's able to come to my apartment in Dallas. The homecoming will take place in Louisiana. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My wife has this thing about cleaning the house. Unless she cleans it, it's not clean to her. We could clean it the exact same way or I could hire a team of maids, but unless she cleans it she doesn't feel good.

I've learned that much in 7 years.
