Saturday, August 01, 2009

Wine + Facebook = bad idea

We (finally) got home from PA on Sunday night. On Monday, we immediately got back to making our house look like the home it already feels like. We got cable (woohoo!), unpacked a bit more, and spent a lot of the week finding things for the house.

Aside from one short dinnertime trip a few weeks ago, K and I haven't been to the beach. We decided to take Wednesday afternoon off from unpacking so we could go. Being the middle of a non-holiday week, we knew it would be the best time to check out VA Beach.

There was a ton of traffic on the way there, so what should have been a fairly quick trip took well over an hour. By the time we reached VA Beach, so had the front of a thunderstorm.

The mass exodus away from the beach meant another fun trip in traffic. We took a back route to avoid the major traffic, and we found a nice neighborhood beach along the way. We pulled over to get a better look. The dark sky made for some cool photos.

Thursday, we worked to paint our guest bedroom, which is kind of a terra cotta. As a loyal Sooner, any shade that even remotely resembles orange is absolutely unacceptable in my home, so K and I worked to remedy that situation. (I'll post pictures once I'm sure I like the color we've chosen. Painting is scary! Also, having a large guest bedroom is really great until you decide to repaint it!)

We had already decided yesterday that we'd take this morning off to really go to the beach, so we did just that (after checking the weather!). We picked one a little closer to us this time. We laid out for an hour and a half, then headed to a beachside deli for a burger and then some ice cream.

We had planned on painting the second coat in the guest room, but I just wasn't feeling it. I took a nice little nap instead. After that, I joined K to go through the boxes that were left in our bedroom. As we were finishing, one of our neighbors stopped by to invite us to a wine & hors d'oeuvres party they're hosting tomorrow night. After he left, I was so excited I was jumping up & down. Aside from our senior citizen neighbors (on both sides), K is the only person in this town I know, so it'll be great to meet more people.

K and I made a homemade pizza together for dinner. I poured myself a nice glass of wine, and we watched the X Games on TV while we ate. It was chalking up to be a great end to a great day.

And then I logged onto Facebook. I have become pretty good friends with a girl I met through K. It was actually at her wedding that K met his ex-fiance. Well, she put "Georgia or bust" for her Facebook status several days ago, which meant she was going to visit K's ex. When I first saw the status, I had wanted to write "Bust!" ... but I decided against it.

Well, after one measly glass of wine, I tossed that judgment out the window. I posted "Bust! Haha, just kidding!" quickly, so I knew I couldn't undo it. I showed it to K, laughing. (Evidently one glass of wine turns me from a normal, functioning, almost 26-year-old, into an immature 14-year-old with really bad judgment.) I thought about deleting it, but there was no "Delete" option. It was done.

Minutes later, my friend had updated her status: "Didn't realize I'd ever have to delete a friend's comment on my wall." My little joke was gone. I instantly felt terrible.

Shit. There went my buzz, there went my good day. And the ironic part? I did it all myself.


Anonymous said...

Oh girlie, don't worry! We've all had those moments. And at the very least, you could just email her and apologize and tell her that you were talking about football teams and then you realized later that it sounded like a faux pas.

I still love you! And have FUN at the wine party tonight (just stay away from FB!) :)

xoxo, GFF

L said...

oh no, what an awful feeling!!! i would also shoot her an email something like GFF suggested. Have a great time at the party!

Courtney said...

oh no! Oh well. Nothin you can do about it now. If it's any consolation, I at least thought it was funny. :)