Tuesday, August 18, 2009

26 + 1 day

K kissed me before he left for work this morning. "My sexy old lady," he said.

It was the second time in a few minutes he had called me old (never mind the fact he'll be 31 in 8 days). "Dude, stop calling me old," I said. "Don't you remember my goal?"

One of my big pet peeves is hearing people -- especially people in their 20s -- refer to themselves as old. I think if you keep calling yourself old, you'll feel old, and then you'll really be old. The whole "we don't stop playing because we grow old" thing. So I've decided to never call myself old. Ever.

"You can't ever call me old again. Even when I'm 80."

"Mature?" K asked. "Experienced?" I thought for a moment. Then, he said as though he was quoting something, "She was very flexible for an 80-year-old."

"You can call me flexible! I like flexible."

K laughed. "And young at heart," I continued. "And young looking."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I like your philosophy. But breaking myself of the habit ("OMG, Lucy, are we really planning a brunch? For our families? We are so old.") would be so hard!

Happy 26, girlie!