Monday, November 16, 2009

I'll spend enough time in the kitchen NEXT week!

K is gone again. We didn't know about this trip until this morning.

Originally, he was supposed to go to Colorado this week for a conference. Then, a big Nor'easter hit last week, and a lot of the military bases in this area got closed both Thursday and Friday thanks to all the flooding. (Actually, a lot of EVERYTHING was closed Thursday and Friday.) The Colorado trip got cancelled, since there was no time to plan everything and get it approved.

K and I had talked about going to PA over the weekend since one of his friends would be in town. Once K was off Friday & I wasn't -- and since he was no longer supposed to be gone this week -- I told K to leave early and make it a guys' weekend. (Plus, it got me out of 14 hours in the car!)

And then this morning K's boss told him the trip is back on. Awesome. I told K to tell the boss he's on my shit list. (K had already told him.)

Now, I've got the night to myself, and it's crazy how much more time it feels like I have when it's just me. It's about the time K and I would usually reluctantly get up to get ready for the gym. What's funny is it always feels like no time at all since dinner, but tonight, I could've left 40 minutes ago. I've been lazy and trying to think of an excuse to not go.

I may have found it. I'm watching the Food Network and getting ideas for Thanksgiving dinner. We're staying at our house for the holidays this year. My brother will probably drive up, and K's work friend and his wife might be joining us if they don't head home for the holidays.

I've never cooked turkey, and I've never cooked real stuffing. This is going to be a big deal for me! Giada De Laurentiis just told us to not try any new recipes at the holidays, since you don't want that additional stress and have to worry about feeding it to your friends and family. Ha! Like I'm gonna be trying any of this crap on my own this week! If K's not here, I'm not cooking!


Kari said...

Hope your week goes by quickly.
Don't be intimidated about cooking a turkey. It really isn't that hard (if I can cook one, so can you) As for the stuffing, if you can make cookies , you can make stuffing. The big thing is timing when cooking the Big Bird dinner...
You can totally make an amazing Thanksgiving dinner..just remember to relax, have fun and of course take pics of the process :)


Anonymous said...

I'm the queen of leaving for the gym 45 minutes after I should have left. Getting out the front door is the hardest part!

Consider this an official request for a blog series on making your first T'giving dinner. Although, I am perfectly certain that it will all turn out just fine! :)

my life is brilliant said...

Oh, you'll get a series on it! I'm just hoping it's a "This Worked Great for Me!" series rather than a "How NOT to Do Thanksgiving Dinner."