Monday, November 02, 2009

Jury's still out on the job

But I did overhear (and participate in) some interesting conversations on my first day.

Twenty-seven-year-old girl discussing (all day long) boys and dates she's been on. Went on one date last week with a lawyer ("Oopsie!") who was decently cute. "We'd make pretty babies!" she said. And she couldn't figure out why she doesn't have a boyfriend. Two words, woman: SLOW DOWN! (She also talked about how she wanted to find a boy to pay off her debt. And if he was fun to look at too, bonus. I'm thinking she's not the most mature 27-year-old I've met.)

Coworker: "Is your husband in the military?" (looking at my ring while asking)
Me: "Yes."
Coworker: "Is he an officer?"
Me: " ... Yes." (I hate that question, since if a person is asking it, they probably will judge me in some way based on the answer. Never mind the fact that I'M not the officer, and I wasn't born an officer's wife, either. Not to mention the fact I've never lived on post, and my first experience being an officer's wife is at a post where my husband is surrounded by people who outrank him.)
Coworker: "Air Force?"
Me: "No, Army." (What made her pick Air Force?)
Coworker: "Dang it, I was on a roll!"

Coworker: (incredulously) "You're married?"
Me: "Yes."
Coworker: "How old are you? You look so young!"
Me: "I'm 26."
Coworker: (slightly relieved) "Oh, so you're old enough to be married. You look 21!"

Overheard/Sat cautiously nearby but didn't participate
Nearest coworker strolled in at 10 this morning looking thrilled it was Monday (sense the sarcasm?). She was even more excited to learn that she had a new neighbor, since it meant that half her belongings, which she had arranged on my desk, would have to be confined to her own desk. She asked my boss whose idea it was to put me there. My boss said there was nowhere else for me to go. Coworker offered to move to another area of the building. I thought of telling her I don't bite, but I kept quiet in case she did. (Lucky for me, she's much nicer in the p.m.)

I can hardly wait for tomorrow (sense the sarcasm again?)!


Anonymous said... is good that you're giving it a try. And congratulations, by the way!

Hopefully you'll meet some nice people (who think you're old enough to be married...and to an officer! ha.) even if the job thing doesn't work out.

L said...

Wow! Those are quite the convos! That girl is in no place to get married being so self-focused and shallow. It's one of my goals to pay off my debt before getting married, because finances can add so much stress I know. No one wants to pay your debt no matter how much $$ they make. I look fwd to hearing more about the new job! I hope you enjoy it.

my life is brilliant said...

I forgot to mention how shortly after the lady asked the officer question, she asked if my husband is home or deployed. I told her he's home, since he got back from a 14-month tour in January. She actually said, "Well you're lucky to have him home in wartime."

I wanted to say, "HELLO?! Did you not hear what I just said?!"

Kari said...

Maybe you can write a book about the people you work with?? I hope it gets better and you find nice people to hang out with.
On my first day at the job I have now...there was one girl who was really really cold to me. I found out later, she applied for the job that I was hired for...we are friends now...but it was a cool few weeks!

Good luck, I am sure the fun people are just around the corner!
