Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Go figure: I've spent every Christmas of my life until this year in Oklahoma. I've never seen a white Christmas.

This year, I'm in Pennsylvania with K and his family. There's snow on the ground, but it's all left over from last weekend.

And Oklahoma gets a ridiculous blizzard. My hometown got 10 inches of snow.

My family actually had to postpone Christmas until Sunday, since the weather was so bad. All the highways in OK were actually shut down yesterday evening, so my uncle was stuck in Kansas, and my aunt & uncle & cousins couldn't make the hour-and-a-half drive to my hometown to be with my dad, brother & grandparents.

I think it might make it a little easier on me that my family Christmas isn't taking place today. So while I'm spending time with my new family, I won't be missing out on my family's Christmas (well, I will, but it just won't happen today).

It also proves that Christmas really is just another day on the calendar. True, it's a very important date as far as religion goes, but what most of us look forward to most is celebrating the joy of the season with our families. When I go to Oklahoma in January, most of my family who will gather this Sunday will be able to join me then. There won't be a Christmas tree, prime rib (which became our preferred Christmas meal after my dad, mom, brother, grandparents & I couldn't take the thought of looking at another turkey or ham after all the ones we saw at my dad's store), or Christmas movies on TV, but the part that counts most -- my family members -- will be.

So today, I'll be counting my blessings. My family members are healthy and happy. My friends are well. My husband is home.

And although it may not be fresh snow, I've technically got myself my first white Christmas!

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