Monday, January 31, 2011

In a good mood? Skip this post.

I'm not a big fan of Mondays, but I really hate today.

I had a great time in Dallas for Jeremy's wedding (more on that later). I'm still completely exhausted from such a quick trip. That's probably a lot of the reason for my foul mood today.

Here's a few others:
  • I have a ton of crap to do at work, and I don't want to do any of it. You know the line, "A lack of planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on my part"? Well, unfortunately, I always manage to find jobs where that's not true. I hate it. I'm tired of crossing things off my to-do list, getting it under control, and coming in the next day to have an "OhmygoshIneedthisdonelastweek" bull shit project. NO!
  • I can't even say that I love my paycheck. This job pays me what I made working PART TIME in Dallas, right out of college. I can't imagine that it's that much more expensive to live in Dallas than it is here by the beach. Instead, I have to say, "I love having a paycheck." This is true. But some days, the measly thing just isn't enough to justify the job.
  • K is a cranky buttface. I don't know what his deal is, but the littlest thing gets him all worked up. It pisses me off! I've tried talking to him about it before -- I thought maybe it was just the holidays, since this started around that time -- but we need to nip this shit in the bud, pronto. I'm not going to be 70 and dealing with a bitchy husband. I love that guy, but I swear, sometimes I just want to punch him in the face. Today is one of those days.
  • I didn't really get the girl time I wanted this weekend. I wanted just girl time, but the weekend was just too busy for any of that (turns out a 2:00 wedding can take up your day and night). Bummer.
  • The running group starts today. I am nervous. I have no business trying to teach people how to run. And on a day like today, what I really need is a good, ass-kicking run. I won't get that with the group, since they're all beginners. Which means that I'll have to run with them, head home, run for real, cook dinner, eat, let it settle, and get to the gym for a back & biceps workout. That would be a busy night. This means I'll probably have to skip the real run. If K gets in a real run while I'm on my way home, I might have to punch him in the face.
Or maybe I should just punch myself in the face for having a bad attitude.

Stupid Mondays.


Kari said...

MOndays suck! Especially after an exhausting weekend. I hate trying to see everyone when you visit "home" (for me it is so bad that I never visit 3 of my favourite cities because I used to live there. I can't even go on a shopping holiday with the girls to Minni because I lived there for 3 years -- ugg!)
You can totally teach them to run -- and I am hoping that some of the deadline people are in your running group (and maybe go all military on them!) :)
I am hoping all is okay with K...yes, you need to nip this in the bud.
Hoping that tomorrow is a way better day.

Anonymous said...

Ugh. Mondays. They always get the best of you, right?! Hope that your Tuesday is much, much better.

I can't wait to hear about how much ass you kicked with your running group last night. :)

a tall sassy gal said...

If it helps I miss you! And I am stuck at home today in the ice!

Kari said...

I think ouidad should pay you a commission! After hearing about your success (and seeing that GFF had ordered some), I decided to bite the bullet and order some of their products from sephora. I am hoping that using them will keep my hair somewhat looking decent when I am in Morocco.