Sunday, January 02, 2011

NYE: The Aftermath Edition

 When the party goes 'til 6 a.m., the next morning is not gonna be pretty.

The only reason this table is so uncluttered is because the night owls decided to play a game of A$$hole ... sometime after 2 a.m.

Our neighbors noticed their melting snowman looked spot-on for the first morning of the New Year, so they added this sign. (K and I were glad we didn't wake up feeling like this guy looks!)


Pink Sun Drops said...

Hehe. Brando and I were soooo glad we didn't drink the night of even though we had a blast. My sister drank the night, and was throwing her four year old a birthday party on New Year's Day! Poor girl called me so miserable.

Mrs. Architect said...

Awesome, awesome, awesome!! Love all the pics - such a great photo representation of a party, without any people!

And love the new layout!!