Monday, January 10, 2011

A sign you've been watching a little too much Harry Potter

K and I recently bought the boxed set of Harry Potter movies (we even decided they were worth getting on Blu-Ray!). K and I both had seen snippets of a couple movies over the years. K saw the entire sixth movie and decided he wanted to watch them all in order.

We started with movie one a week ago Sunday. By Friday night, we had finished the fifth movie.

We spent Saturday afternoon picking up the entire yard of leaves that had built up in our backyard after neglecting them all season.

"This is what sucks about being a muggle," K said. "If we were wizards, we could just do this all with a magic wand!"


Anonymous said...

And the books are even better.

a tall sassy gal said...

The books are so much better but I do enjoy the movies too.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA. K is hilarious.

I've never gotten into the whole HP thing. I read the first book and felt sort of indifferent about it. And I've seen most (all?) of the movies, but the last one was the only one that I was really into. Maybe there's something wrong with me?