Monday, January 24, 2011

Here we go again ...

This Friday, K and I are headed to Dallas. Dallas -- where I lived for four years before moving to VA. Dallas -- where a lot of my friends still live.

We're going to Dallas for Jeremy's wedding. We're really excited for it. Jeremy is still one of my best friends, and he'll always have a special place in my heart (and K's) for helping me to get through K's 14-month deployment to Iraq.

I'm thrilled that Jeremy has found his fiance, and this wedding is something I wouldn't miss for the world.

K and I get to stay with Heather, which is another bonus. We missed getting to hang out with her when we were home for Christmas, but I'd planned all along that we'd at least see her for this next trip.

The trouble is that we have to figure out who else we will see. I've done my standard little trip-home bit where I don't tell anyone we're coming but the ones we know we'll see.

Jeremy knows we're coming. Heather knows we're coming. And that's it.

ER doesn't even know. We spent a day with her last time, but do we need to see her again this time?

And what about AJ (my cycling and concert buddy)? I haven't seen AJ since I was home last January. I should probably try to see her, but it might be hard to fit that in. But it's possible. (Especially if she meets us somewhere.) There are others I could see, too -- particularly Brit (former Dallas coworker and friend). I haven't seen Brit since the Dallas wedding (May '09).

So far, my plan was to keep doing what I've done so far: Put off the decision for another day.

But tonight, I got a message from Addie. Who I know through Brit. I hung out with Addie several times, but, like Brit, I haven't seen her since the Dallas wedding. Somehow Addie knew K and I would be in town, and she'd like to hang out after the wedding if it's not too late. Only Addie isn't going to the wedding (she does know Jeremy, but I don't know if they've seen each other since -- you guessed it! -- the Dallas wedding).

I was confused, so I texted Jeremy. Addie isn't going to the wedding (I don't think she's invited, actually). Evidently Addie called Jeremy to find out if K and I were going to the wedding.

How random is that?! I mean, I guess it's cool that she wants to see us so badly, but is it bad that I hadn't even thought about calling her? I mean, we have three days in Dallas, part of which will be taken up by a wedding.

I swear, going back home (by "home," I mean the entire region between Dallas and Oklahoma City) always winds up being so exciting and stressful at the same time.


L said...

I hear you! It's so hard to not be able to fit everyone in. I've learned I just can't feel bad about it. I do put it on FB so everyone knows I'm coming, but sometimes I just have to say no. So hard!

Liz said...

I know just how you feel! It is absolutely impossible to fit everyone in, and fb makes it even harder cause random people that I never would have even thought of seeing ask me to fit them in. I actually just had to tell a few people no when I went to NY in May. There just wasn't enough time.

a tall sassy gal said...

Can't wait to see you guys!

Pink Sun Drops said...

It might be too late but one AWESOME way I've discovered recently to try and see everybody is invite everybody to ONE dinner or ONE breakfast. That way you can leave the rest of the time to do what you came there for and/or visit the people who are like family. If the rest want to carve out the time to see you at that dinner, lunch, or breakfast, they will, versus you having to carve out time out of your trip to adjust to their schedule or many different schedules.

Good luck! And have FUN :) !

Anonymous said...

PSD's suggestion is fantastic! A big ol' brunch with everybody who wants to see you...and, if they're not willing to make the time, well, I guess they don't want to see you all that much. (Exceptions for really, really special people, obviously.)

I can only imagine how hard it is to please/find time for everyone when you're visiting, so I always try to be understanding of that when I have friends who are visiting home for a short period of time.