Tuesday, March 01, 2011

This is already getting old (also, TMI THROUGHOUT)

Can someone tell me what ISN'T a symptom of pregnancy?!!

When I had thought about how I'd share parts of this story before, I was going to be a little less informative, but now I think that's out the window.

So last Thursday, K and I flew to Orlando for a wedding (more on all this later. I promise). Because of circumstances I will explain later, I wound up having a 2-hour old Chik-fil-A meal for lunch. I ate a brownie that afternoon. K had all of these things.

Flash forward a few hours, when we're about to touch down in Orlando. That's when my stomach starting going downhill. I thought it was motion sickness, even though I've never had problems on planes before. I just felt a little sick, a little headache ... nothing crazy. I figured I was just ready to be done flying.

We land. Go to dinner. I eat chips & salsa. By the time my dinner gets in front of me, I have no appetite (I didn't eat that much chips & salsa). I force some down to avoid wasting it. Take the rest to the hotel.

That night, diarrhea. Ew.

The next morning? More diarrhea. And then vomiting. Like, ohmygoshwilliteverstop vomiting. (For the record, Chili's is disgusting the second time around.)

More diarrhea. Chills. Then getting really sweaty.

Luckily, all that drama took place between 8 p.m. Thursday and 8:30 a.m. Friday. After I threw up, my stomach felt better ... but the diarrhea stayed. Which meant in the hotel I stayed, instead of going to Disney World.

I forced down some Sprite and crackers. Drank some water. Still had diarrhea.

I thought it was food poisoning. Just knew it was food poisoning. I took Immodium and, like a real trooper, still went to the gathering the bride & groom were hosting Friday night. I drank ginger ale (that stuff is amazing and magical! How did I never try it before?), and I ate 6 whole (tiny triangular) pieces of pita bread.

I got so excited that it was all over when I got back to the hotel and only had to pee ... and then I remembered I still had the stupid Immodium in my system.

Saturday, I woke up and only had a little diarrhea. I thought maybe it was the reserves the Immodium had prevented from leaving (yes, I know that's disgusting. I'm sorry). I still felt fine. I cautiously ate a little Mickey Mouse waffle (with syrup on the side). The rest of the day, I stuck to Sprite and crackers.

At the wedding late Saturday afternoon, I thought I felt the first tiny tinges of hunger I'd felt since Thursday. It was over. Thank God, it was over!

I ate hors d'oeuvres at the cocktail hour. Even drank a beer! With dinner, another beer (the food poisoning is over! Celebrate!) along with a few bites of the not-so-good food. I ate just a couple small bites of cake (do you know how hard that is to do with red velvet? Thank God it was fondant icing, or I might not have been able to control myself).

I didn't push it any further, but I did have a Coke at the bar after (being sick means you get to play DD all weekend). I was still on Immodium (just in case), but the night was drama-free for my stomach.

That Sunday, we went with friends for lunch. Since my food poisoning was over, I was excited that they settled on a pizza place. I still hadn't felt hungry, really, but if anything would make me want to eat, it would be pizza.

We ate cheesy garlic bread. I drank a Coke (no more Sprite!!!). I ate a piece of pizza. But I didn't really enjoy it like I'd hoped. I could hardly put down one slice. I'm a pretty big eater for a girl -- especially when it comes to pizza.

Soon after lunch, though, I realized what I had was still there, so it definitely wasn't food poisoning. More diarrhea.

Are you freaking kidding me?

Sunday night, it was back to crackers and Sprite. F'ing crackers and Sprite.

Yesterday, I braved it with a granola bar for breakfast. Soup for lunch (I hate soup. It's so boring and always feels like punishment food.). Pasta for dinner. I had to force it down again, and even then, it was only a fraction of what I'd normally eat.

Today? Still no appetite. But still no diarrhea.

I posted on FB about it:  
Sad story: I can name everything I have eaten since Thursday (the list isn't long). I don't know what this bug is, but I'm definitely ready for it to leave my system.

In true "Hey, you're of child-bearing age!", I got this from a mommy friend: "And you're sure it's a stomach bug?!? Nothing else....."

Just for the hell of it, I googled. 

Lack of appetite and diarrhea are both symptoms of pregnancy. Obviously vomiting is (though that only happened Friday morning). 

But do you know what else is a fucking sign of fucking pregnancy?!!! Increased appetite and constipation. 

Ev.ry.thing. is a sign of pregnancy. 

Guess I better go buy a freakin' box of tests on my lunch break. 

At least I know where the cheap ones are now.


Pink Sun Drops said...

Haha, oh yes. Chills and sweaty seem unusual for pregnancy, though, that I do have to say.

my life is brilliant said...

I attributed those to system shock after the diarrhea and vomiting.

I am so, so sorry to share all this. Ugh.

Mrs. Architect said...

I think whatever you had is exactly what I had at Christmas when I went to Atlanta. And the nausea stayed around for like TWO WEEKS (esp when I would smell food/eat), to the point that I was honestly concerned that I was pregnant!

Hope you're 100% better by now!!!

a tall sassy gal said...

What did the test say? ;)

Anonymous said...

My mom thought she had the flu when she was pregnant with me. She was sick for 3 months before she found out she was pregnant. She had a partial hysterectomy and didn't think she was pregnant.

So ya, you get all that stuff when you are pregnant.

Chelsea Rae said...

I *totally* know how you feel! Only once (so far) since my husband and I have been married have I had to go out and buy a test and my stomach was in knots! To make things worse I googled all of my symptoms. “Are cramps a symptom of pregnancy?” “Could dizziness/headaches a symptoms of pregnancy?” and of course it all came back with: “Yes, this could be a sign that you are pregnant” UGH, it was freaking ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

Oh, you poor thing. There is nothing worse than feeling shitty and being away from home. NOTHING.