Just two others besides K made it in. A group of guys was getting back from Afghanistan, which included the roommate of one of the guys who was supposed to be coming here for the weekend. He decided to stay behind to meet up with his roommate and help him get settled back in.
We all got up Saturday morning and went shopping and just hung out. We went to Fry's Electronics, which K absolutely loves. We spent a good amount of time there before coming back to my place and playing DDR. I was kicking some serious butt on that thing! I think K was impressed with my "dancing" skills. I think it would be awesome if people started doing those dance moves at clubs, so Courtney, feel free to add that to your repertoir (and GFF, for all that dancing you've been doing lately!). :)
We went to Dick's Last Resort for dinner. K and I had gone there once before in May, but it was a lot of fun to have a group this time. There were five of us, and we quickly took the role of being the Fun Table in the restaurant. Now, Dick's is a pretty crazy-fun kinda place, and there were lots of crazy-fun things going on. There were bachelorette parties everywhere. One bachelorette was selling condoms and lube. There was a bachelorette doing a Blow Job shot -- the correct way. There were servers putting signs on people's backs saying things like, "I thought Dick's was a gay bar" and "I cried during Brokeback Mountain." There was a Marine having a good time before he leaves for Iraq this week.

The bachelorette who did the Blow Job shot had quite an audience. I think everyone in the bar watched her. We were all talking about the shot when it came up that Rebecca had taken one once, and I never had. She decided she was going to order us each one. We did them correctly as well, and we managed to get an audience ourselves. Gotta have fun with the atmosphere, right?

One rule at Dick's is that you can -- and are encouraged to -- throw dry napkins. Being the Fun Table, we decided to start a napkin war. We would pick out tables that looked like they weren't having as much fun and bombard them with 100 napkin balls -- 20 from each of us. Pretty soon, there were napkins flying everywhere, and we were getting a new stockpile from our waitress, since we'd run out.

High fives for a great match! :)
Toward the end of dinner came yet another funny part. One thing about Dick's is the hats they give out. They put some smart-aleck thing on them or something funny and then place one on your head. You have no idea what it says until someone reads it to you. There was a girl with a hat that said, "I pee standing up." Bachelorettes had hats that said things like, "Getting married and still swinging," and "Hell in bed." One girl who was there with her mom and younger brother had a hat that said, "Mom's favorite."
When our waitress brought our hats over, we knew they were gonna be pretty good. I mean, c'mon -- we were the Fun Table!

When she put my hat on me, though, and I was told what it said -- "I blow bubbles" -- I had no idea what it meant. There were some other hats that had to be explained to me, so I didn't know if mine was another such hat. And then, the waitress put K's hat on his head:

What a cute pic of you two!
Hilarious!!! Looks like it was a blast!!
The sayings on the hats has me literally LOL.
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