Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Call me a sore loser

... but this is just too funny not to share. And it just so happens that I didn't find out about it until we played Tex@s Tech last weekend.

(For the record, that drive in the fourth quarter did result in a touchdown. It's just a shame the refs were blind and didn't correct that call after the review.)

Guess who was distracted when she wrote this post, so she didn't completely finish it?

Here are the rest of my thoughts (which are duplicated in my comment to Jef):
Tex@s Tech is a team I don't mind losing to. Tec.h is a team that can always sneak up when you don't expect them to. They definitely played better than us on Saturday. Even if that touchdown had been called a touchdown, I know the remainder of the game would have changed. Who knows what would have happened?

Either way, by the way both teams played the game, Tex@s Tech deserved to come out on top. Good win, Red Raiders.


Anonymous said...

Sore Loser!

Lol, ya that's an old video. I'm sure he's cut and DIED his hair so no one recognizes him.

Isn't it interesting how when OU loses it's "Oh the ref's ..."

Then again Aggies just say they ran out of time.


my life is brilliant said...

Oh, Jef, how did I know you'd be the first to comment on this one? :)

I apologize, though, for not completing this post as I had intended. I got distracted with a puppy and work emails when I hit "Publish Post."

Texas Tech is a team I don't mind losing to. Texas Tech is a team that can always sneak up when you don't expect them to. You guys definitely played better on Saturday. Even if that touchdown had been called a touchdown, I know the remainder of the game would have changed. Who knows what would have happened?

Either way, by the way both teams played the game, Texas Tech deserved to come out on top. Good win, Red Raiders.

a tall sassy gal said...

That was great!