Monday, November 05, 2007

Totally kicking myself for not going to this game!

This halftime show was originally intended for the OU-texas game, but due to some copyright delays, it was put off until last week's game against Tex@s A&M. I knew this, but I stayed home.

After watching this video, I am SO wishing I'd gone to the game (and that I was still in the band!)!


Anonymous said...

Hee! Just as it was getting to be about half way through and I was wondering what the big deal was -- there it was! The big deal! ;)

And wow, does it make me miss marching band too. I (heart) marching bands. And Thriller-era Michael Jackson. I (heart) him too.

A fellow (PROUD) band geek,

Courtney said...

Nice!!! The Cal band does similar types of half time shows. SO MUCH FUN! Bummer that you missed it! At least we have You Tube.

Anonymous said...

How odd Baylor is doing the same thing.

s said...

that's really awesome. i've never been to a big football game. i'm totally missing out on the half time show. i need to do that next fall.