Monday, February 11, 2008

It's going around

After my awesome workout last night, I managed to stay up later than I'd hoped. I felt fine when I went to bed just after midnight. When I woke up this morning, though, my throat felt scratchy and I felt dizzy.

I went in to work for a bit hoping it would go away. The dizziness got a little better, but my throat still felt scratchy. I went around to let my co-workers know I'd be heading home to work from there. Every one of them said to me, "I hope you don't have the flu. It's going around right now."

I went to my doctor late this morning, where a nurse administered a flu test by jabbing a giant, thin swab as far up each nostril as she could. It made my eyes water, and I almost hoped I had the flu so I didn't go through that for nothing.

The doctor came in to see me and started her questions. One of them: "Do your muscles ache?"

"Well, that's a tough question," I said. "Since I work out quite a bit, it's normal for my muscles to feel achy."

"Well do they feel more achy than usual?"

I laughed. "Yes, but I got in a harder workout than usual yesterday."

Since the flu test seemed to be taking some time to give us an answer, my doctor gave me a strep test as well, which was another fun one that involved jamming another giant swab as far down my throat as she could. That test came up negative.

Finally, my flu test revealed ever so lightly that I had tested positive for the flu. My doctor decided it was because it was so early into the illness that the test didn't come out more quickly and clearly. So now I'm on medication and trying to sleep as much as possible, doctor's orders. I'm hoping I'm able to beat this since I went to the doctor for it so early. And because after two meals, soup is already getting old.


Katrina said... know what other medical condition sometimes masquerades as the flu, don't you? ;)

Just teasing! I hope you're feeling better soon--the flu is miserable, especially when you're alone. For some reason, even though I'm 34, I always want my mother when I'm sick. Nobody rocks the soup and 7-up like she does.

Anonymous said...

Aw, I hope you feel better soon!!

L said...

Good for you, going to the doc so soon. It's weird, last night I was positive I was pre-fever and just laid on the couch for hours. Suddenly I started to feel better, and I'm doing good today. That's happened to me before, and I don't know if my prayers are being answered or if I'm just really weird.

Anonymous said...

Dr.'s like jamming things in orifices.


s said...

feel better!!

Anonymous said...

Don't breathe too closely to your computer monitor...flu is THAT easy for me to catch. ;) Feel better soon!

a tall sassy gal said...

Hope you get better soon because we do need to get together soon.