Friday, February 22, 2008

Why I hate politics

I generally don't get into politics. I should, I know -- especially being a military wife -- but it's just so hard to get into it. I get very quickly annoyed at politicians who constantly seem to be saying not what they really think, but what they think everyone else wants to hear. I also get frustrated by how polarized and blinded so many people get when it comes to red vs. blue, elephants vs. donkeys, Republicans vs. Democrats, etc., etc.

But when it comes time for the presidential election, I absolutely have to do my part. I have to vote. And to do it right, I have to educate myself on the candidates. Which means I spend some time watching debates (in addition to other means of learning more about the candidates). I watched the Democratic debate last night.

At work this morning, I asked a co-worker if she had watched the debates. She shook her head. We started talking about the Democratic candidates and about politics in general. I told her that I'm a registered Democrat because it's what my parents were. I told her that I don't know the difference between Republicans and Democrats and that frankly, I don't care. I want to learn about all the presidential candidates in ANY party and vote for the best person for the job.

As we were talking, another co-worker of mine who is actually younger than me came up. "Did you watch the debates last night?" I asked her.

"No. I don't care about Democrats. Republicans, WHOO!"

And THAT is what disgusts me about politics.


L said...

I can see why that annoys you . . but I can also understand why she said that if she's not very into politics. I am really interested in hearing what the Dems have to say, but I almost always disagree with them on policy issues. Not only do I never agree on social issues, I am really big on less government, lower taxes, and more individual freedoms . . and those are some of the core values of Republicans so I'm more interested in listening to those debates.

s said...

i TOTALLY agree with you. i think it's so important to be educated about your choices and to vote for a candidate and not a party. one of my friends recently told me in conversation that she just votes for whoever her parents vote for she said, "i don't like making choices, i'm too busy" i almost threw up in my mouth, but instead i just shook my head.

Katrina said...

Yep, I agree with you, too. I don't love the constant mudslinging and he said/she said and media frenzy of it all--but I also feel a responsibility to vote for whatever candidate I feel is best for the country, whatever party they may be in. I'm a little frustrated this year, as I don't feel that any of the candidates who are left really reflect my views and concerns for the future of the country, so I'm left in the common position of having to vote for the "lesser of evils". That's part of participating citizenship too, I guess. :)

Anonymous said...

I wrote a post about my identical views of politics. However, I don't like any of the candidates. Well maybe one.

I bet if you asked someone who whooted and hollered for one side or the other if they could name 1, just 1, plank of their party's platform they couldn't do it. Libertarians could; Republicans and Democrats can't.

People are like sheep. The sheeple ... the driven herd.


Pink Sun Drops said...

I SO wanted to go to the debates last night! Then Brando informed me it was invitation only or illegal $4000 tickets. Not so much interested in going after that...

Anywho I'm totally confused on what to think. This is pretty much my 'political' awareness year, and I agree with you on looking at the person and who they are. At the same time they DO have to pick a party so am I more inclined to like the one that picks the D party or the R party or another one? Probably as much as goes on between those two it would be another one (which I'm sorry to say I wouldn't even begin to know the name of - Independents?) but at the same time it's such a low chance those will make it into office what's the point? After all, there's no 'green' state. Then as Katrina said, it becomes the lesser of the two evils. Still mulling on this one.

a tall sassy gal said...

I agree with you. I am going to vote for the person who is going to do the best job in my opinion not the party!

Anonymous said...

ME TOO!!! I completely agree. I feel like that's so close minded, people should choose the best person for the job, not the person for the party they represent!