Thursday, February 21, 2008

Update on K

Not long after I posted my blog yesterday, I got an IM from K. (Sorry to keep you waiting, but it's been busy since then!) He's doing fine.

He was on base and actually outside when the "roc.ket barr.age" started. He said when he heard the blast, he could immediately tell by the sound of it that it was not a controlled exp.losion. He dropped to the ground, and sure enough, the alarms started sounding soon after. He stayed on the ground and waited a couple minutes until he was sure things were clear. He was heading to check on others when 10 more rou.nds were fired, three of which were duds. He said the whole thing lasted about an hour and a half. He said (obviously) it was crazy and very loud.

The damage done to their area was pretty minimal, which really sounds like a miracle. Most of the soldiers were uninjured. One sold!er got a concussion, and a couple of others got some minor cuts and scrapes. One civ!lian was killed because he ran instead of dropping to the ground. (K said when the roc.kets explode, they explode up, so if you're on the ground you're much safer.) Even the damage to their building was surprisingly minor.

Needless to say, I'm very thankful that God was watching out for them that day!


s said...

so glad he is ok.

L said...

I would never have thought it would be safer on the ground. I guess it makes sense.

I'm glad he is ok. I can't imagine laying there for over an hour while that was going on!