Thursday, February 28, 2008

Third time was definitely a charm!

I went in on Saturday for my third massage. Since my previous masseuses had both been males, I requested a woman so I could see how different of an experience that would be.

As usual, the masseuse asked me if there were any specific muscles that were sore and would need extra attention. I told her my legs, which were sore thanks to doing a large amount of squats in 20 minutes and then running three miles (my workout buddy enjoys torturing me!).

As the woman began the massage, I realized how different each masseuse’s style is. This one was very fond of deep breaths, which worked for me. She also used the hot towels at the beginning of the massage, while the two men had both saved them for the end.

It was much easier for me to relax more quickly knowing a woman was giving the massage. It’s probably not very fair, but it’s true. When she massaged my legs, she uncovered my glutes a bit (thought not as much as the first guy). Since she was a woman and also since I’d asked her to focus on my legs, I didn’t think much of it. I also don’t know that I’d have said anything about the soreness in my legs if I’d had a male masseuse, since focusing on my legs would mean having to focus on the gluteal area as well.

Toward the end of the massage, they all asked me to roll over onto my back so they could massage my neck, shoulders, head and/or face. The woman held up the blanket for me to roll over, and when I did, I was surprised at how close she was standing to the edge of the blanket, making it more likely that she had seen my bare chest. That made me a little uncomfortable, but again, since it was a woman, I didn’t think as much of it as I would have if she had been a man.

The two male masseuses had stood a ways back when I rolled over, which I appreciated. If one of them had been standing as closely as the woman did, I probably would have covered my chest and asked him to move back. (Yes, it’s a double standard, but at least I’m being honest.)

What’s funny is that as I was in the waiting area before my appointment, my first masseuse came out to greet his next appointment. He looked at me, pointed and said, “You look very familiar.” I couldn't help but think to myself, “Maybe if I were lying face-down on a massage table with half of my butt exposed, you’d recognize me.”

I just smiled.


Anonymous said...

i'm glad you liked it! i have to say, i have had many, but they are ALL different. oh well=)

Anonymous said...

oops- that was me-cynthia

Unknown said...

I looooooove massages, so much, that it's not even funny. I only get about 1 or 2 a year, and that's usually b/c of a gift certificate. So I am SO jealous of your posts about them! :)

I am not very conservative/shy about my body in the masseuse room, because I figure that they see this stuff alllll day long (kind of like nurses). I have 2 girlfriends who are nurses and they assure me that they don't think twice about catching glimpses of boobs/butts, but they hate when guys get, ahem, excited to be there. Hee! THAT would make me freak!! Anyway, hopefully you'll get a female from now on. And be reassured that any "peeking" you feel she's doing is because you have a PHENOMENAL body!!!

Anonymous said...

Well maybe you should have stood up and mooned him and said, "Now do you recognize me?"


I'm so jealous of your massages. I want one so bad right now! I plan to get a few the further along I get in this pregnancy!

Good post!!

s said...

glad you enjoyed the latest massage :)