Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Screw you too, technology!

Last night, I wanted to blog about my third massage, which I had on Saturday. I wanted to tell you about K's roommate's fiance's (still with me?) visit to Dallas. I also wanted to email K. But technology had other plans.

For some reason -- most likely due to the insane winds we had last night -- my wireless Internet wasn't working.

I wound up playing with my phone instead. The last iPho.ne update allows users to add to their home screens shortcuts to their favorite websites. I decided to take advantage of that ability. I was loving my phone when I went to bed.

At 12:35, I was awakened by my phone ringing. The only person who would call me so late is K. I immediately grabbed my phone to answer it. Only it wouldn't work.

The iPho.ne is entirely touch-screen, so you have to slide your finger across the bottom of the screen to answer a call. I kept sliding my finger across the screen over and over, but it wasn't even registering on the phone that I had touched the screen. The phone continued ringing in my hand as I tried and tried to answer it, but with no luck. When my phone stopped ringing, the screen was still frozen. I wanted to cry. I almost did.

I kept trying to get my phone to work. I finally was able to turn my phone off and back on. By then, K had left a voice message. I was able to type him a quick email on my phone, even though my phone managed to freeze up again when I was almost finished. I was able to send it just before my phone froze again.

I kept trying to get back to my home screen so I could remove the icons I'd added, since that was the only thing I could think of that would have caused my phone to randomly start messing up. Since my phone serves as my alarm clock, when I started to realize it wasn't going to unfreeze, I grabbed a travel alarm and set it for 7:20. I eventually fell asleep after trying for at least 30 minutes to get my phone to cooperate.

I woke up this morning with the feeling something wasn't quite right. I immediately sat up in bed and looked at the clock. "Sh#@!"

My phone had died since the screen had been frozen until the battery was drained. And my travel alarm had completely failed me for who knows what reason.

It was 8:30. I had a 9:00 meeting. I had hoped to leave by 8:15 so I could get to work and have time to prepare for the meeting. Oops.

I got dressed and ready in about 15 minutes, and I was actually surprised that my car managed to start and run fine since every other machine I had touched in the previous 12 hours had seemed to fail me. I called a co-worker to have her get me the number of the person leading my work meeting so I could let her know I'd be late. Go figure, though, my phone froze again. I was able to get it working long enough to send the leader of the meeting an email to tell her I'd be late.

Somehow, I was only 10 minutes late for the meeting -- and still decently prepared. After the meeting, a few of my co-workers who have iPho.nes told me the magical button combo that reboots your phone. Good to know.

As soon as I got back to my desk, where I'd left my phone to charge, I removed the new shortcuts from my home screen. Thankfully, all seems to be well with my phone again. Now here's hoping K calls me again tonight. If my phone decides to screw up again, I'm taking it out of its little protective cover and throwing it off my balcony!

1 comment:

Pink Sun Drops said...

Oooooh that would SOO drive me nuts!! I'm surprised it's not chucked off the balcony already!! Hoping it works tonight if K calls!!