Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Mars/Venus: Thank You cards

It's been a busy few months for us. We had our "real" wedding Memorial Day weekend. Immediately after it was over, we packed my apartment, moved almost everything to Louisiana, packed up K's apartment, sent it with the Army-contracted movers, I quit my job, and we set out to see my family in OK for a couple days, then drove out to Virginia to start our lives here. That all happened in barely over a month.

We looked at houses, signed a contract for our house, returned to Dallas for a ER's wedding, came back just long enough to have our furniture and household goods delivered, and then departed for 9 fabulous days with the in-laws. We meant to take our thank you cards with us, but a quick decision to use K's computer bag instead of mine meant the cards stayed in Virginia. Whoops.

We had little time to catch our breath after the PA trip was over. We had lots of unpacking to do, we had several visitors, and we were trying to get settled.

Last month, I looked over the list of gifts, and I got out a large portion of our thank you cards. The ones I left were cards K said he would write. (We figured his uncle in Florida who I'd never met might appreciate a card written by K more than one from me.) So I wrote a few dozen cards. I made K sign each one, and he wrote the return address on a lot of them. He bitched about the fact they weren't already done, but it was better late than never.

I went through the remaining names and starred which ones would get the feminine version of the cards I'd designed. His close guy friends could have the masculine version. I left everything stacked neatly for him in the living room, until last weekend, when I finally moved them to the office so our guests wouldn't have to stare at them all weekend.

And today? We get an email from his aunt about how one of their older relatives (she wouldnt' say who) had said she was worried the gift wasn't appreciated because she hadn't received a thank you card yet. She actually was worried that her gift wasn't enough.

I can understand her having that reaction. I hate that she feels that way. And I hate that K hasn't written his damn cards yet. I knew I should've done it myself.

I called him immediately and read the email. He's as disgusted with himself as I am. You can bet those cards will be in the mail tomorrow.


Our Happy Married Life... said...

thats my fear! Granted our wedding was 7/11 and i've got a very large majority done. But after hand writing over 150 thank you's all by myself (husband has terrible hand writing) I am slacking on getting the last 20 or so out. I need to just get it done before I get a call or email like that!

Katrina said...

I am always surprised when a thank you note comes in the mail. Not that I'm surprised that the bride/birthday person/expectant mother thoughtfully sent one, but usually I've forgotten all about what I sent and whether I've received a thank you for it about 24 hours after I give the gift.

When the note arrives a week or two later, I always think, "Oh, yeah! I forgot about that. Glad they liked it!" I'm amazed that some people keep track of that sort of thing. I'm going to blame it on generational differences, even though it probably just means I'm a thoughtless flibbertigibbet.

a tall sassy gal said...

Girl I had the same problem with B. I had to hound him until his portion were done which were not many at all. I told him it is just rude to take so long. I am all about etiquette.