Friday, September 18, 2009

We're keeping it!

After a couple days of getting used to it, K and I both feel a lot better about our bedroom set. Your comments and suggestions definitely helped me feel better that first night we got it. I guess I have a tendency to panic if things don't look exactly how I thought they would. (See: guest bedroom) Since I'm pretty new to this whole house decorating thing, I tend to doubt myself pretty easily.

I was able to do some decorating in our bedroom yesterday, which definitely helped the look of things. We still have boxes around the room, since we haven't moved into our dresser yet. I guess we figure we've been living out of boxes and 3-drawer Tupperware "dressers" for 3 months. What's a few more days?

The style of our bedroom set and the decorations I put up give the room a more romantic, elegant feel than the rest of the house. I like it that way. It makes it feel (to me, anyway) more like a romantic retreat.

I have one other idea in mind that will only increase the glam factor. I'm a little nervous about the execution, but it just might work. I can only hope this finished product looks even half as good as it does in my head. Either way, you can bet I'll post pictures as soon as it's done!


Anonymous said...

Now there's a concept. A whole house decorated in Tupperware.

Liz said...

Yay! I really do it like it & I'm sure once you dress up your room a bit more, you'll really love it! I just finally bought a new bedding set with matching curtains, and after 3 years in this house, I actually feel comfortable in my own bedroom.

Mrs. Architect said...

I can't wait to see pics!! All your other rooms look SO fab, so I know this one will too!! :o)