Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Fading to white

Help me, laundry experts!

I have a lot of light pink things -- tank tops, shirts, undershirts, undergarments ... I think the color adds a nice, feminine touch to my wardrobe. I've noticed, though, that many of my light pink garments fade over time to an almost white color. This makes me sad. I want my pinks to stay pink.

I don't wash them with dark colors or with whites. I wash them with brights usually. I wash them in cold water. I use All liquid detergent, and I add Clorox for Colors to make sure they're good and clean.

I haven't noticed any of my other clothes fading. Any advice from those of you others who wear lots of light pink?


Anonymous said...

It depends on what you want to do. If you want to re-pink the garments, you can dye them with Rit dye from the store. Be careful though. The longer they satay in the darker they get.

Or when you first get your garment, wash it in the sink in a heavy salt-water bath. Salt stops the dye. When you dye something it will say to wash it in salt.

It's not fool-proof, but it will get you some extra wear.

The other option is to not wash with anything that's like bleach. Also, don't use a lot of soap.

Everyone's water has chlorine in it which can act as a bleach. I don't know of an anti-bleaching agent, but you would have to purify your water to get it out.

And you can call the Textile Engineering Department at Texas Tech ( http://www.depts.ttu.edu/itc/arainbio.php ). They were the Dry-Cleaning Research Institute in Denton at TWU for a while, then moved to Lubbock. I've talked to them a couple of times on how to get stuff out and they seem fairly knowledgeable.


Anonymous said...

Oh ya, never add anything from Chlorox. They want stuff to fade. Look on their label. It will say bleach.
