Friday, February 09, 2007

How I love Thursdays

Work today was pretty busy -- full of meetings, which was great. I enjoy meeting people and interacting with people. It's part of the reason I left my old job, since I never got to do that, and part of the reason I'm really liking my new job. I'm realizing more and more every day how much my boss and I have in common. It's pretty cool.

K is coming tomorrow. I'm bummed, though, because every year they have this ball, which is really more of a formal dinner that's called a ball. Last year, it was in December. This year, because the guys were in Afghanistan, it was postponed. It's tonight. I missed it. I even had this great dress that I bought in November for it in case K was back from Afghanistan in time for the ball.

Tonight was our typical Home Stretch Thursday night, and I showed the dress to ER and her friend she brought along for the first time. ER said it would be perfect to wear to her sister's wedding this summer, which hadn't occured to me. At least I have something to wear to the wedding and another chance to wear my new dress!

Grey's Anatomy tonight was terrible! It was really frustrating me, and if next week is anything like this episode (since this is supposed to cover three episodes), I don't know that I'll tune in for the third one. The girls night was fun, though, as always, and the new girl was really cool. I think she's planning on joining us again.

CG and her husband will be here tomorrow night. CG has to make an appearance in Dallas on Saturday, so they'll stay Friday night at my place. I'm really excited. I miss hanging out with them, and it'll be fun to go out the four of us again. We always have so much fun! It's hilarious to see the side K and Joe bring out of each other.

My other exciting update is a secret that has been SO hard to keep! Danielle got engaged! She came to visit me one weekend in October. We went shopping and decided to just stop by the jewelry store to get sized, since neither of us knew what size our ring fingers are. Well, of course getting sized leads to trying on and picking out, which we enjoyed doing. She and her boyfriend have been dating for like 5 years. She just graduated this December, though, and he has a little bit of school left. They won't get married for a while, but I'm so excited for the two of them.

Her boyfriend told me back in December that he was doing it this month, and he even sent me a picture of the ring a day or two before Christmas. Since I promised I wouldn't tell, I've had to keep this from ER and from all our mutual friends -- even from my blog. Because I promised. I'm so proud of myself. :)

That's a lot of things to be excited about right now: new job going well, loving the new boss and interaction with employees, a new addition to Home Stretch Thursdays, Danielle's great news, CG and Joe coming tomorrow, K coming tomorrow, and the fact that TOMORROW IS FRIDAY!

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Sorry you missed your ball! Maybe you could put on your dress sometime while K is home and have him take you out somewhere really fancy in it.

Have dress, will dance.

(That's exciting about your friend's engagement, btw!)