Monday, February 26, 2007

Sometimes it's just not cool to be a girl

It's tough to be a girl. We pick up on things guys don't. We think about things in ways guys don't. We worry and stress over things guys don't. We anticipate things happening that guys don't.

Sometimes some of us obsess over anticipating things happening that some guys evidently don't think about as much as we'd like. But it's not our fault. Do you think we want to think about those things as much as we do?

Friday night I was driving to K's. I had a little over an hour to go before I'd see him for the first time in a couple weeks. I was excited to see him. Somehow, we were talking about money or something -- I honestly can't remember. He said something about how he thought it would be awesome to get a year's pay tax-free, except that would mean he'd be deployed. When I said I didn't realize that, he continued with the perks they get pay-wise in the military (to attempt to make up for all the nonperk things they have to mess with).

Since he doesn't live on post, he gets a basic housing allowance. If he were married, he would get $200 more each. month. for basic housing allowance.

(*insert stopping-the-music-so-quickly-the-record-gets-scratched noise here*)

Excuse me?

Because I'm a girl, that comment frustrated me. And because K is a guy, my guy, the guy, I couldn't tell him why I was frustrated when he asked me moments later why I'd gotten so quiet. I knew it was a stupid girl thing to be upset over, but I'm a girl. I was upset. Since it was something I couldn't tell him about since he (a) wouldn't understand or (b) would get frustrated himself that I'm upset with him that he hasn't proposed yet, I pretty much just thought about it all weekend.

We've acknowledged that we both knew July 4, 2005 -- just a month and half or so after we'd met and the second weekend we ever saw each other -- that we would get married someday. We acknowledged it to each other the following October. His mom told him the following April that she knew we'd get married someday.

We've talked about it. We've talked about where it would happen (Dallas), when (spring or summer; football season is out of the question) and the fact he'd wear his dress blues instead of a tux (I'd totally rather have him wear the tux because he looks really good in one, but I know he's proud of what he does too). We've talked about what kind of food we'd have at the reception and rehearsal dinner (a Yankee Italian meets stereotypical Southern thing -- very us and very fun and laid-back). We've talked about colors and whether or not we'd have an open bar. We've talked about how we'd probably do the sword thing and who would be in that line (since he has so many guys he'd want to involve that it probably wouldn't be just the groomsmen). I've told him I'm okay with the idea of having a guy in that line whack me on the butt on my wedding day, in my wedding dress as we're walking out of the church (It's like a "good game" going into the marriage!).

I'm going to two weddings this spring of couples who met and started dating after K and I even knew we were going to marry someday. My patience is getting thin -- my patience for the situation itself, and my patience at myself for freakin' thinking of this as much as I do.

It must be nice to be a guy ... (at least they have a shot at being normal!)


Pink Sun Drops said...

You're right. They have just as much worries, thoughts, and fears as us, they just don't THINK on it as much.

Sorry things are torturing you so much. Maybe the weddings will be what he needs to get motivated and get over anything he might be scared of! Is he going too?

my life is brilliant said...

Oh, he's definitely going to both! One is my cousin's wedding in Hawaii. The other is the wedding of one of his best friends. It's in Pennsylvania in April. I'll probably be at it too.

Then, there are a ton of my friends getting married this summer, and his cousin gets married in September. Many, many weddings are in my near future. Yay. lol (At least I'm only a bridesmaid in one of them!)

Courtney said...

amen, sister!

Kyle bought a new mattress last month and I about broke down crying.

Becuase *I* have a perfectly wonderful mattress that we've already agreed will be OUR mattress when we someday get married. And mattresses are expensive... so if he's willing to buy a new mattress for himself, then he must not be thinking about promoting MY mattress to OUR mattress anytime soon.

It was ugly.


Be patient, my friend. These boys of ours will step up to plate eventually. I just hope I'm not 90... because, hello? Wedding pictures! I need to be beautiful on my wedding day! and I'm guessing it's hard to be a radiant blushing bride at 90.

California Girl said...

Oh dear - I can understand the frustration. Men drive me batty. We are so different, you said it yourself!

Hang in there, I'm sure things will turn around soon.

a tall sassy gal said...

Girl you know I am right there with you. AFter my sister's wedding last weekend I want it even more now and they just dont understand and they do get frustrated so I am keeping quiet.

We need to get together and have a drink and vent!